

New Member
So, me and the BF have decided that we need a trip overseas next year. I've only ever been to Australia, and he's been to various bits of asia/india/england. We've decided on a rough itinerary and will be taking a month or so off work next July. Austria's the main destination as there's a wagner festival thing that the BF wants to go to, but we're pretty unsure on what else to do as there's just too much choice! The plan is to do a couple of stopovers as well, san francisco on the way, and hong kong on the way back (if we can swing it). So, factor in 3 days in san fran, and 3 days in hong kong, and the rest in europe - what would you suggest? Austria backs onto a few places, and it's just so gosh darned hard to decide on an itinerary! :crap:
Three days in San Francisco? I'm four hours south of there by car... keep me posted on dates and stuff. I'll be getting married on June 23 and we plan on moving to Colorado in Juny, but I don't know what part of July yet.
Will do. :) I'll be firming up itineraries over the next day or so, but it's likely that we'll hit san fran in the beginning of July.
While in San Fancisco, be sure to visit Fisherman's Wharf and (much more importantly) the Ghiardelli Chocalate Factory.
If in Europe go to Germany. Visit the Nürburgring and drive on the Nordschleife track. It should cost about 16 Euros for a single lap. Pure beauty of a track that has 73 turns and is 13 miles long.
We don't drive. :)

Fisherman's wharf is totally on the agenda - as is alcatraz. :D

I think we'll be doing germany because I have a friend in hamburg who'd kill us if we didn't at least stop through on the way.
While in San Fancisco, be sure to visit Fisherman's Wharf and (much more importantly) the Ghiardelli Chocalate Factory.


those are the worst cliches of SF touristas! the wharf sucks these days...

i will figure some better options...
The Wharf is a good place to buy souvenirs. Especially Pier 39. That's basically what it is, a tourist trap to sell souvenirs.

See if you can check out the USS Pampanito while you're at the wharf, though. That's a US World War II diesel-powered submarine.

Also, it occurred to me to warn you that when you visit Alcatraz, make sure you wear a hat. It's a lot better to wear the "white badge of courage" on clothes than it is to wear it in your hair.
I've never been pooped on before, it'll be speshul american shit 'n all. ;)
Always open to better suggestions mister minkey dood.

those are the worst cliches of SF touristas! the wharf sucks these days...

i will figure some better options...

It has been twenty years or so since I've been there. It was a touristy place then too, but I was a tourist after all. I was really interested in Laguna Seca, I just had a few extra days and some money to spend, y'know?
... tell me of your homeworld Usul ...

fuck dat american shit ... come on over to the olde country ...

You can have the barn for a few days ..if you wanna get away from hotels.

Plenty of tranguility - nice base to explore london, (30 mins drive) the south and south west ..Devon and Cornwall are worth a trip.

Glastonbury festival is on near the solstice that year (07') - 3 days you will never forget .. um ... if you can remember them ... ;) :D

maybe a meet up with the UK moot and pillers, for a right royal piss-up / shindig?


neither of you drive????????????

great steaming sheesh kebabs of chilli and mayo doom, girl!

you guys gonna do the whole trip relying on public transport???? :grinno:


anyhow anna, let me know if you guys hit blighty- and Glasto would be a blast.

best, BB xx
You need to find a way to get to Montreal and Atlanta... that way you can meet roughly a dozen board members. That way you can take this bottle of Marmite I have back home with you.

Imagine it... A bottle made in England, routed to America, imported to New Zealand, brought home to America by me.. and then taken back home by you. That would be one seriously ironicly mobile bottle.

so ..from america to (hopefully) back to blighty ..then on to Austria, germany ... god knows where else ... suggest Corsica or ... um ... Lesbos ... well, some greek islands anyway ;) ...

that's one international jar of marmite of mystery alright!

Does BoP like marmite though? it's either a love or hate kinda thing, y'know?
Customs leaving NZ were glad to see it go... US customs inbound didn't know what to make of it and let it by as some kind of Indian religious cosmetic... sorta like henna in a drum.