Valentines is coming whether we like it or not


New Member
Flowers, chocolate, jewelry... What's your take, do you partake?

I think I can expect at least the first two. Probably not the third.
I generally get the lovely wife some trifling bit of jewelry or other. Something with dolphins or dragons or some kind of new-agey crystal something or other.

March 14th, on the other hand, is a much more important holiday from my point of view.
Mine, too... it's my birthday! :D

(umm, chic... OTC has always officialy used March 17 to observe Steak and a Blowjob day.)
I think I'll be giving potted plants this year.

Potted plants are nice...I used to buy myself flowers but then I started buying myself potted plants because "they last longer" but then I realized that I just kill them off so I may aswell buy flowers...
We typically go out for a nice deener a few days before/after the 14th, then shag like rabbits. Sometimes we even manage to leave the restaurant first.
No plans for valentines. We've had lots of expenses so we're a bit scarce.
jay and i have no plans... though i did buy these really cute red glitter HEART SHAPED melamine plates at target today. our anniversary (3 years together) was on the first; last friday, so i think that's valentines-y enough, at least for me.
i do kind of shun the whole valentines thing, though. jay always wants to get me stuffed monkeys holding stuffed hearts and stuff. i just want to snuggle.
Do you recall me sending you a Halloween photo, pictures of the house? To which you never responded??

By the way, that picture of you is my wallpaper at work. You're, like, famous and such. :p

I don't know if you're going to get much besides potted roses right now - it's not the right time of year for a lot of other potted flowers. But I used to have mini roses in pots that I put in the ground outside later on, so she can do that too.

I think smaller pots - 3 - of yellow, red, pink would be nice. :)