Potatoes: yes the kind does make a difference!

I think everyone knows that red new potatoes are good for some things, but certainly not for say, fried or baked taters....

I guess it's silly but I just discovered how good "Yukon Gold" potatoes are! Most flavorful potato in existence by a long shot! A little more pricey but worth it!
I have a dream that one day, potatoes will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Oh bloody find a political forum I know yer jonesing!

Yellow potatoes are the ubur-race of potato! If you can't see this you will be lined up against the wall and shot, come the revolution!
I'd never heard of blue potatoes until Cam started hunting for them. Finally found them in Kansas City.
i like the small purple ones for making potato salad, with a sorta gremolata-type base, with olive oil and sea salt. er i guess the taters are the base.