It is time to ask

Because the Commander in Chief hasn't told me, or Congress, what the fucks he's doing.

it's a PR mission. no one should need to tell you that. you want someone to come and read your mail to you as well? maybe thinking about kinda being done with the old "powerless me" motif yet?
If it was a PR mission, shouldn't he be telling us what a great job he's doing & why he's doing it? (blowing smoke) Nobody in the northern hemisphere, outside of Libya, gives a shit what Quaddafy is doing. (the southern hemisphere hasn't even heard of him)

None of this makes sense.
If it was a PR mission, shouldn't he be telling us what a great job he's doing & why he's doing it?

not if i were in charge. overt recognition would dull its impact. the only purpose in talking about it would be obscure its actual (but obvious) nature. if you weren't so simple-minded with respect to social phenomena, you'd understand these things.

None of this makes sense.

and i guess at this point it never will to you...
You're spike's #1 internet-superhero, always to the rescue. ;)

It is time to ask Minks

its actual (but obvious) nature.

It to keep the Libyan oil flowing to southern Europe
to assist anti-American forces to gain control of the country
because Hillary said so?

OK I give up, go on Mr Smartie pants how about you tell us what is behind it.
When this Libya operation started didn't Baraq say; this operation will only last days and not weeks.

When does amateur hour end?
The goal of this president is to bring down any Arabic government friendly to, or toward, the United States and allow the takeover of those countries by radical Islam. Note that he has yet to attack any country which is sworn to destroy the United States.
The goal of this president is to bring down any Arabic government friendly to, or toward, the United States and allow the takeover of those countries by radical Islam. Note that he has yet to attack any country which is sworn to destroy the United States.

wow. yes the absence of other places to bomb people... that must prove the policy.

very fancy thinking, there.

time to ask a consummate consultant

ah c'mon Minks at least that dopey Spike pukes
up left wing talking point, we are all total idiots
members of the cult of dumb as it were
enlightened us as to exactly why the half hearted
attempt in Libya is in the best interest of anyone

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This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "consummate consultants" anywhere in the job listing.
The goal of this president is to bring down any Arabic government friendly to, or toward, the United States and allow the takeover of those countries by radical Islam. Note that he has yet to attack any country which is sworn to destroy the United States.

That's as good as any & better than most
How's that whole Egypt is gonna be good guys thing going?

Muslim Brotherhood = Freedom and Justice Party.

can you say marketing?