to those on the right here

hmmmm i wonder how he'll do in the next polls after all that booing at him.

oh right the polls will be rigged!

the media will converge against this poor little man, who blames the US for 9/11.

now why would anyone be dismissive of a guy like that?

think it's time for you to pick another hero, bungholio.
Palin/Daniels 2012, Perry at State & Ron Paul at Treasury, Gingrich as UN Ambasador & Romney, well, Romney can fuck off.

Happy now?
hmmmm i wonder how he'll do in the next polls after all that booing at him.

oh right the polls will be rigged!

the media will converge against this poor little man, who blames the US for 9/11.

now why would anyone be dismissive of a guy like that?

think it's time for you to pick another hero, bungholio.

He was only booed during his last question.

But if you use your observation skills, you will notice that the crowd applauded Paul JUST BEFORE when he he said the U.S. occupying/interfering with other countries leads the U.S. to being attacked! Then Santorum said that Paul said the U.S. is to blame for being attacked on 9/11. Well, of course! Santorum played the crowed on emotion -an epithet fallacy, and it worked, so the crowed booed Paul. But Paul's argument of why 9/11 happened was just applauded a moment before.

CIA Bin Laden Chief Michael Scheuer: We were attacked because of our government - This obviously supports Paul's position.

wtf dude? you're the one with "9/11 was an inside job" in his sig. and your hero ain't with you on that one?

so evil genius santorum put words into his mouth... that weren't already there?

the crowd booed several times during the interchange.

next you'll be joining the hare krishnas. or worse, landmark education. whatever. i'm sure you'll figure out which one makes people feel the most-est special! you can share secret knowledge! and giggle by the cotton candy machines!

golly, and you say you don't masturbate?
wtf dude? you're the one with "9/11 was an inside job" in his sig. and your hero ain't with you on that one?

I suspect Paul believes that as well, however, it would not be prudent to run on that. If and after he becomes president I think he would launch another investigation. But right now he needs to act as if it was done as the official story said it was done.

so evil genius santorum put words into his mouth... that weren't already there?

the crowd booed several times during the interchange.

next you'll be joining the hare krishnas. or worse, landmark education. whatever. i'm sure you'll figure out which one makes people feel the most-est special! you can share secret knowledge! and giggle by the cotton candy machines!

golly, and you say you don't masturbate?

That link I gave you earlier showed all of Paul's responses. But what you should take another look at is from this point on until it is done. It illustrates what I said earlier in this thread.

"Irresponsible" and "parroting bin Lade" Bah!!!!!!!! Did you see this? Even he supports Paul's position.
since this last debate, my score card looks like...

Short list

longer list
Perry/Bachmann tied

Santorum, Romney, and Huntsman...not on list.
It looks like there is no poll from CNN on who won the debate. However, at a Mitt Romney page they linked up a whole bunch of polls on the CNN debate. All the ones that I can see the results for show Ron Paul slaughtering everyone!

Have a look!


it's a mitt romney page yet the comments are all from paulettes.

i'm still waiting for you to show me a real genpop poll with your little monkey doing well.

until then, try to restrain your adolescent splendor. you're only making yourself look dumber.
since this last debate, my score card looks like...

Short list

longer list
Perry/Bachmann tied

Santorum, Romney, and Huntsman...not on list.

you would even consider a candidate who blames us for 9/11?

that surprises me dude.
What Paul actually tries to communicate isn't always what comes out
of his mouth.

I understand what he was getting at, although I don't agree with it.

What matters more is the policy represented, and although several of
his policy views seem extreme, just like all the other presidents before him,
he'd have to come back from that edge somewhat.
When he has all the intel, I think he would.

This IS a campaign, and although people are looking mostly at the
"who do you trust" factor, there's still gonna be some rhetoric that won't
be followed through on once in office.
What Paul actually tries to communicate isn't always what comes out
of his mouth.

well, that should work well with guys like putin, chavez, assad, et cetera.

he gets all tongue-tied and monkey like. sorry, if you can't communicate your ideas effectively to an audience, especially when things go dynamic and beyond stock material, well... you should not be president. (this is not an unfair critique - that shit is REALLY HARD - trust me, but i certainly want someone better at me in that kind of stuff when international shenanigans are on the menu.)
oh, great, so that's the level we're shooting for huh?

i really don't think "he's no worse than (fill in name of whomever you don't like)" should be the standard.

seriously. you just admitted your guy is lame with the comparison.

remind me never to hire you as my advocate.
since this last debate, my score card looks like...

Short list

longer list
Perry/Bachmann tied

Santorum, Romney, and Huntsman...not on list.

he's obviously one of your TOP TIER guys.

is there anything you won't do to disqualify yourself from actually taking a stand on something? (gonz will be amused by this.)

seriously. you're a master at the inertial dodge.
it's a mitt romney page yet the comments are all from paulettes.

i'm still waiting for you to show me a real genpop poll with your little monkey doing well.

until then, try to restrain your adolescent splendor. you're only making yourself look dumber.

I have seen Romney's supporters all over that page. But if you go to a Ron Paul site, then he is winning there too. So if you go to non-Ron Paul site he is winning because of his supporters and if you go to a Ron Paul site he is winning because of his supporters? A double edge sword, huh?

If I see that kind of poll you are looking for then I will post it, however, my little padawan :p, absence of proof is not proof of absence. You can feel it in the air, Ron Paul is what America wants!
he's obviously one of your TOP TIER guys.

is there anything you won't do to disqualify yourself from actually taking a stand on something? (gonz will be amused by this.)

seriously. you're a master at the inertial dodge.

Is the glass half empty, or half full?
You see it really just show how the others dropped.

I don't dodge. You just see the world through a curved spectrum.
Ten years ago shocking and horrific acts of terrorism were carried out on US soil, taking over 3,000 innocent American lives. Without a doubt, this action demanded retaliation and retribution. However, much has been done in the name of protecting the American people from terrorism that has reduced our prosperity and liberty and even made us less safe. This is ironic and sad, considering that the oft-repeated line concerning the reasoning behind the attacks is that they hate us for who we are – a free, prosperous people – and that we must not under any circumstances allow the terrorists to win.

Though it is hard for many to believe, honest studies show that the real motivation behind the September 11 attacks and the vast majority of other instances of suicide terrorism is not that our enemies are bothered by our way of life. Neither is it our religion, or our wealth. Rather, it is primarily occupation. If you were to imagine for a moment how you would feel if another country forcibly occupied the United States, had military bases and armed soldiers present in our hometowns, you might begin to understand why foreign occupation upsets people so much. Robert Pape has extensively researched this issue and goes in depth in his book “Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It”. In fact, of 2,200 incidents of suicide attacks he has studied worldwide since 1980, 95% were in response to foreign occupation.

Pape notes that before our invasion of Iraq, only about 10% of suicide terrorism was aimed at Americans or American interests. Since, then however, not only is suicide terrorism greatly on the rise, but 91% of it is now directed at us.

Yes, the attacks of 9/11 deserved a response. But the manner in which we responded has allowed radicals in the Muslim world to advance a very threatening narrative about us and our motivation in occupying their lands. Osama bin Laden referred to us as “crusaders” with a religious agenda to convert Muslims, westernize their culture and take control of their resources. If we had targeted our response to only the thugs and criminals who attacked us, and refrained from invading countries that had nothing to do with it, this characterization would seem less plausible to the desperate and displaced. Blaming Islam alone is grossly misleading.

Instead, we chose a course of action that led to the further loss of 8,000 American lives, left 40,000 wounded and has hundreds of thousands seeking help at the Veterans Administration. We are three to four trillion dollars poorer. Our military is spread dangerously thin around the globe, at the expense of protection here at home. Not only that, but we have allowed our freedoms to be greatly threatened and undermined from within. The Patriot Act, warrantless searches and wiretapping, abuse of habeus corpus, useless and humiliating searches at airports are just a few examples of how we’ve allowed the terrorists to “win” by making our country less free.

Suicide terrorism did not exist in Iraq before we got there. Now it does. There are no known instances of Iranians committing suicide terrorism. If we invade and occupy Iran, expect that to change, too.

Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable to ask the right questions and face the truth. When a slick politician comes along and gives a much more soothing, self-congratulating version of events, it is very tempting to simply believe what we would like to hear. But listening to lies does not make us safer, even though it might make us feel better about ourselves.

The truth is that ending these misguided wars and occupations will make us safer, more prosperous and more free.

