Recent content by fury

  1. F

    So is this place accepting posts again?

    I don't recall telling it not to, but registration wasn't working because email wasn't working. It should be now, but new users will be forced to turn on 2 factor authentication if they want to post. A little trick I devised to try to stave off the relentless volley of spammers.
  2. F

    A new day

  3. F

    20 years is a long time

    One more year and this old board will be able to buy its own drink :beerbang:
  4. F

    20 years is a long time

  5. F

    Ice ice icicles

    Renewed XenForo license and updated at long last, which fixed the posting which has been broken all year (ironically because of something I did to make backups more efficient!) Goddamn, I have been working on this for like hours. No home internet (because fuck Spectrum for raising prices). I...
  6. F

    Ice ice icicles

    Test test testing 1 2 3
  7. F

    Ice ice icicles

    Bi bi bicycles
  8. F

    Peabody's Way Forward Machine (OTC in 2023)

    Rocking 3 mbit internet at home and LTE on my phone really whips the llama's ass. :beerbang:
  9. F

    Let's try this again

    Not in the least. I'm in a shitload of trouble, actually. :beerbang:
  10. F

    Let's try this again

    Hey Gonz, how's it hangin?
  11. F

    Let's try this again

    I've done beat myself up enough about it, so I'll just say...I lost everything from February 2015 onward. The database drive died and guess who didn't have a backup? Well, guess who has an automated backup solution in place now? Yeah. Sorry about that. :(
  12. F

    WTF happened to OTC?

    Don't forget to turn off the coffee pot :beerbang:
  13. F

    It Never Gets Old.....

    Escape key :beerbang:
  14. F

    Hacked for a Twitter account

    The problem is they either cracked reCAPTCHA, or have people getting paid a couple cents for every post they make (so a captcha doesn't even make a difference). I could throw them a curveball by modifying the registration page a bit with a human verification question, but there'd still be some...
  15. F

    Hacked for a Twitter account

    Fuckers are always trying something new to sneak in. I turned off guest posting in town hall, that should help