Recent content by H2O boy

  1. H2O boy

    Massachusetts 2010: Brown vs. Coakley

    the people have spoken. seems buyer remorse for the change brigade is real after all. message being sent months before the regular elections held. the obamazombies on the hill are now so busy looking over their shoulders they will balk at the next harebrained ploy bho tries to cram down our...
  2. H2O boy


    mcguire is just the latest in a line of cheaters trying to play on nostalgia or fan allegiance in order to try and dismiss his sins. the man cheated. his acomplishments are tainted. he has yet to accwept full responsibility for his actions and is blaming the period of time he played for his...
  3. H2O boy

    What are you listening to right now?

    aint that a shame by cheaptrick
  4. H2O boy

    Odds of being on a plane w/ terrorist incident 1 in 10,408,947

    so can i buy you 21 plane tickets?
  5. H2O boy

    Health Care Nullification: Things have just gotten underway

    this is how the moron got elected. ignorance and apathy now i see where a few posts later you do clarify your position somewhat which is something of a caveat on your behalf. still its apathy and resignation like this that lets them ram their agenda down the collective throats i remember...
  6. H2O boy

    Whaddaya Mean Obama Hasn't Done Anything?

    accomplishment isnt quite the word i would have chosen just to select one from the list.
  7. H2O boy

    Mexico City approves Gay marriage

    any other blatant truths youd care to deny or is that enough for one day? and you wonder why your stuck here capn obvious
  8. H2O boy

    Mexico City approves Gay marriage

    you forgot the word city hardly sweeping change we could believe in
  9. H2O boy

    obama makes speech, and almost everyone likes it

    Re: Obammie worst black President ever ;) bullshit. as long as we have a socialist in charge, those without ambition will keep that grubby hand out, and those in power will continue to put something in it. things will change for the better when honest working people like yourself decide...
  10. H2O boy

    "I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead"

    a warning shot first we have to give the thug a psych exam to determine if and maybe and what he feeeeeeeels about his actions and then we have to take into account that he might just be shithouse rat crazy before we can defend ourselves and our property from some asshat who didnt bother...
  11. H2O boy

    holy krap running hurts

    not a runner at all the most successful workoout type thing i ever did regularly was raquetball. marathon sessions, maybe 2 hours or longer three times a week. i lost a lot of weight doing that
  12. H2O boy

    "I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead"

    when you get done defending this piece of crap let us know mkay? chickenshit cowards who break into homes sometimes like to find out if the house is unoccupied so they can be assured they wont get shot by a 16 gage shotgun too doesnt matter. what matters is where they werent it is...
  13. H2O boy

    If personal firearms were allowed to be carried on base

    like a career politician spreading doomsday theory about melting ice right?
  14. H2O boy

    ObamaCare revisited

    scientists recently determined that ice melts when it gets warm enough too. do you expect us to put our future in the hands of well financed morons who take years to determine what a 3 year old knows... wait. you expect us to put our future in the hands of slobbering retards who want people...
  15. H2O boy

    Earth:The newest Star

    one in every crowd