Recent content by JamesMJ2

  1. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    I had a hell of a time finding anything on my google searches. Where'd you come up with that link Uncle? I muist have tried ten different phrases, didn't come up with anything useful or legal!
  2. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    I was going to use a fluorescent light, and same idea of eight to ten hours a day, only I would turn it on in the morning and then off when I went to bed.:)
  3. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    I don't know, I kinda had a lot to drink.. I didn't realize that they served a whole liter of beer in 1 MUG! It's good stuff. It's ice cold, and goes down like water.
  4. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    BTW whats your preference for beers PuterTutor? I was spoiled in Germany, they have amazing beer(I had my first beer in the HofBrauHaus in Munich)
  5. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    OK dok. Sounds easy enough. I will try to get the tank set-up tommorow so I can get the fish in by the end of the week(provided it's safe for them) What test should I do for the water,and what lvls in the water should I be watching?
  6. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    Heh your guys are cool. I was a little worried about geting blasted for being a newbie. Yea it's my first aquarium, I want something fairly simple so I can learn as I go, but obviously want to get off on the right foot. Freshwater tank btw, 25gal. I am not sure what the optimum number of fish is...
  7. J

    Anyone Familiar with Aquariums?

    Is it a good idea to use distilled water in a fish tank? I know the chlorine is bad for fish, so I figured distilled water was as non-chlorinated and pH neutral as I could get. Also I am thinking about just using a Aqua-Clear filter without any mechanical air filtration, good idea or bad idea...