Recent content by Kruz

  1. Kruz

    Howdy Fellas

    Long time no see :swing:
  2. Kruz

    Govt Motors to "Investigate" Toyota

    I have never liked or trusted the electronic throttle (fly-by wire). for all we know every time someone uses the garage door opener.. your pedal goes to the floor..:retard:
  3. Kruz

    "I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead"

    There is no politically correct way to defend yourself in an emergency... you do what you have to do.
  4. Kruz

    Finally took the plunge...

    once you go wide-screen you'll never go back :laugh3:
  5. Kruz

    San Antonio,TX

    went through basic in 81 there.
  6. Kruz

    DAMN I HATE laptops, and OEMs!

    you do if you want to run 4 or more gigs of ram
  7. Kruz

    Ain't gun control wonderful???

    I remember it well, its all I ever got from them
  8. Kruz

    Ain't gun control wonderful???

    went to my local wally world Sunday and asked if they still carry handgun ammo... old guy behind the counter said "we don't carry it anymore since the incident last November." took me a few seconds to figure out what he meant :retard:
  9. Kruz

    When momma says

    I feel your pain...
  10. Kruz

    When momma says

    you should be ok with that one, at least you dident get the 2.7 :laugh:
  11. Kruz

    When momma says

    Sure... blame it on the wife :evil2:
  12. Kruz

    By the by -- bye bye

    you can avoid those by walking briskly
  13. Kruz

    By the by -- bye bye

    very important for survival tactics :wink2:
  14. Kruz

    Obama: firearms position

    The Rock's are the best bang for the buck as far as 1911's go. :headbng2:
  15. Kruz

    First state sovereignty declarations, now this.

    I like lots of power in small packages. they will stop anything and can be concealed very easily.