Recent content by Rotten Rob

  1. R

    Another school shooting

    Cool - what did I win? :gun5: *holsters his guns and strolls away* - RR
  2. R

    Another school shooting

    What Mitch was saying is that once guns are initially sold by a licensed dealer, they can then be resold to another person without going through government required background checks, etc. This essentially makes background checks useless, and Mitch is correct - this issue is one that is being...
  3. R

    Another school shooting

    Mitch, I win? Maybe a battle or two, but not the war. Can't have victory while there are still folks wanting to totally ban firearms without justification. As for the 'human nature' argument you introduced, there is nothing to win there. It just saddened me to see you display such a...
  4. R

    Should Creationism be taught in schools?

    From Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary: Evolution - n. any process of formation or growth; development; such as the evolution of a language or the evolution of the airplane; the process of developing gradually to a different adaptive state or condition. Well, I've seen software...
  5. R

    Another school shooting

    Progression toward a state of peace is natural, yes. "Death & Destruction" is an aberration against humanity - not part of human nature. I guess we disagree. You can't claim it's part of our 'nature' to be destructive when the vast majority of our species throughout the ages have proven...
  6. R

    Should Creationism be taught in schools?

    If creationism were to be taught (or taught about) in schools, which version would be used? In the second message of this thread, you defined one of the basic Christian versions of creation. There are many variations of that story - and then there are creation stories that are totally...
  7. R

    Another school shooting

    Humanity This is one of those laws we already have that you say needs to be enforced. Background checks need to be standardized across the nation, throughout all 50 states. Right now, several different (and incompatible) systems and rules are used. A buyer will be checked only at licensed gun...
  8. R

    Another school shooting

    Glok - Since you seem to have skipped right by my question, I'll ask it again: How did you come to this cornball conclusion? What, exactly, is it that I think - and what leads you to believe this? I assume then, that you agree there is no reason to ban them? Sorry if I'm just not following...
  9. R

    Another school shooting

    Glok, Care to explain how you came to that cornball conclusion about complete peace? Or perhaps you were referring to a different poster. Mitch, As I said ---> "Try to remember that. Educate them; try to set them straight; try to expose them to truths if they seem misled. Discuss...
  10. R

    Another school shooting

    Uh oh :) Just an observation here. I just read "There will always be some left winged liberal() to come along and try to misinterpret what is written in our Constitution and take away those freedoms." That raises a ton of red flags. I know it's hard, but try to resist the urge to toss...
  11. R

    Another school shooting

    Mitch, You stated, "And it's not my fault that nobody there exercised their right to bare arms." I have a question for you. In your opinion, does every person alive on earth have a "right to bare arms?" The situation to which you referred was in Australia, I believe? I don't know what...
  12. R

    Another school shooting

    Mitch, You challenged me to make an argument for banning guns. Sorry, but as a gun owner, that ain't my schtick. (That should have been obvious once you discovered that I hang around gun sites that you also frequent.) If you want to fight such bans - more power to you. You won't find me...
  13. R

    Another school shooting

    outside looking in - I think all of those smileys apply, to some extent. As for this being my first post, I should admit I'm not here by coincidence. Neither is Mitch, I fear. See this link for an explanation...
  14. R

    Another school shooting

    Pistolas Mitch, Your "statistics" are flawed, and I fear they are leading you to incorrect conclusions. I followed your "source" link to the statistics you posted. I then followed the link from that source to the studies upon which those statistics were derived. What did I find? The...