Recent content by vger

  1. V

    Most Overplayed Hits of The 80s

    Billy Ray Suckus - Achy Breaky Heart (actually I think that was '90's) If I hear that song once more, I'll go on a murderous rampage. Whoeverthehellitwas - Fast Car *puke2*
  2. V

    Lets play word association

    *$500,000 grant for some idiot to study the viscosity of catsup.* waste
  3. V

    Cow grazing gum chewers! KILL, KILL, KILL

    I've got a stepsister that used to chew gum incessently. She would make little popping bubble sounds with all the time too. I wanted to choke her. She also had this big hairy mole on the side of her cheek that was so big it had it's own zip code. I'd have that damn thing cut off :sick3:
  4. V

    Flash vid genius.

    That kicked ass :band:
  5. V

    dumb girlie question

    fury, I'm not so sure that it's something leslie should just 'accept'
  6. V

    Chopper shot down

    Now they're saying 16 dead :crying4:
  7. V

    dumb girlie question

    Kinda high pitched squeal? Probably a transformer fixin to blow :lloyd:
  8. V

    Aurora Borealis

    Too bad those pics aren't high res.......would make a cool desktop background.
  9. V


    Hanoi Jane Bitch should be hung by the lips
  10. V


    This thread is hilarious.
  11. V


    I'll bet they never go over there. Wasn't Ben Affleck the one who said he was gonna leave the USA if Bush was elected?
  12. V

    We Made It !

    Inkara1, don't you mean those neon green lizards.....chameleons? The roaches are huge too. And don't forget to check your shoes for scorpions before you put them on. Fleas are horrible down there.....don't get any animals. Misquitoes will carry you off.