right, i've added in the stuff unclehobart said and LA too (esp cos there's a nice airport there that flies to the UK) - the picture should have changed. (and i've been to NYC once, but my travelling pal hasn't)
where's disney world? my brief googling didn't tell me....
heh, and yeah it is...
definate ho-ha one, something in the 6 month range i guess...
/very/ early thinking-about stage, just something we were chatting about in the pub the other day - probably wouldn't happen for another 1.5 years or so at least (when i finish uni)
so how long d'ya reckon would have to be set aside for something like this?
and do you have any suggestions of better ways of going about it? taking canada in as well would be quite nice.
also, i found a map with capitals on it, so just joined the dots. capitals i guess...
yeah, i'm sure you do get used to it :)
actually, the thing i found weirdest was $1 bills... heh, being able to put paper money into coke machines - weird!
don't you get confused with having all the dollar bills the same size? they should make the things so it's a bit easier to tell them apart from each other
this gives the complete lowdown on how sunch things work in the UK... can't comment on the relation between that any anywhere else...
one of the most bizarre things i've read are the consumer reports on that site - reviews of working girls from all...