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  1. paul_valaru

    Illegal Alien costume causes upset

    link even i think this is far too PC.
  2. paul_valaru

    Hippo Bathday Samcurry

    happy birthday
  3. paul_valaru

    The press is starting to wake up and grow some balls

    Nixon started it. and it is nothing new, but as much as I think fox is a bunch morons, they should be included. nothing says Obama has to be nice to them in the interviews though. Though if you get access to the president, you should also carry his state of the union address. It's a 2...
  4. paul_valaru

    Swine Flu Vaccine Suspicions

    yes and no. We don't pay for medical treatment. We pay (through taxes) into a Medicare plan.
  5. paul_valaru

    An explanation

    so far prof is winning
  6. paul_valaru

    Wow, just

    true, I have met many nice americans.
  7. paul_valaru

    Wow, just

    not that I mind, or anything.
  8. paul_valaru

    Wow, just

    Are you saying I harbour an anti-american sentiment?
  9. paul_valaru

    Who Brings em back

    When a missing member returns saying they got an email comes back, who is your first gut feeling of who brought them back.
  10. paul_valaru

    Wow, just

    him, and the rest of them.
  11. paul_valaru

    Wow, just

    well yeah, along with most of the rest of the world.
  12. paul_valaru

    So the other night they had a Castle marathon....

    Interesting stuff. I first thought you were talking about the new show with the guy from firefly.
  13. paul_valaru

    An explanation

    Welcome back, and I hope the treatment goes well and easily for you.
  14. paul_valaru

    Swine Flu Vaccine Suspicions

    I thought that if one member of a household got the shot, so did the rest.... I have no idea where I heard that.
  15. paul_valaru

    Swine Flu Vaccine Suspicions

    well put me in a tinfoil hat if you want, but I see the flu vaccine itself as the devil. I am not talking Captain Trips level, but something will go wrong one day.
  16. paul_valaru

    Now that you think about it

    same one who put an s into lisp
  17. paul_valaru

    On the public dime ...

    There has to be a point, under private, or public health care where you have to meet certain standards. Like the don't give liver transplants to people who continue to drink heavily. Call it a death panel if you want, maybe they are needed. The person has to be willing to help themselves.
  18. paul_valaru

    Swine Flu Vaccine Suspicions

    I think farrikan is nuts. I also think that the h1n1 vaccine was rushed to market, and there will problems with it.
  19. paul_valaru

    $400 per gallon
