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  1. paul_valaru

    How I spent my summer

    you got a carbon monoxide detector, right?
  2. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    I've tried, I gave up, I come back every few months, see if anything has changed, then go away again.
  3. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    then we are doomed.
  4. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    oops, I meant the disrespect has spread like a disease. But once you lose respect for people it's hard to get back, I have people say things to me in here, by PM and karma that has really made me realize that to me, they are worthless human beings, not worth the saliva is they were on fire...
  5. paul_valaru


    I used to watch all those, then I started watching mystery on PBS and saw the difference in programming. Imagine a cop show without one gun or car chase, or interoffice romance...
  6. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    the respect has been gone for awhile, don't know if it will ever be back. It's a disease that spread to every other corner of this board, so patient zero is now in quarantine.
  7. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    yeah, but he's OUR asshat!
  8. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    stricter rules, banhammer at the ready. I miss debating stuff.
  9. paul_valaru

    What's up with the RW?!?

    autoban the first person who says strawman?
  10. paul_valaru

    Cell phone pictures

    we learnt the lesson, prints out at walmart, backups, online storage...
  11. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

  12. paul_valaru

    Cell phone pictures

    we had a computer stolen full of family
  13. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    when you coming back?
  14. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    you know what else is cold? dead babies unless you follow the suggested reheating instructions.
  15. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    this has been fun, but serious question... chai-tea? what brand, and is it good, been looking for a good one for a while, then we can go back to you showing how boring it is without political discussion, and I can go back to being an obtuse prick about it all.
  16. paul_valaru

    Cell phone pictures

    and the cables are more than the phone
  17. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    woot! soon you get to see all the guys in the ditches wondering why the 4 wheel drive didn't help when they stomped the brakes
  18. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    here, milk comes in bags.
  19. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    some flavor-aid then?
  20. paul_valaru

    It's getting cold outside

    yes, more tea? It's my own special blend.