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  1. S

    Reality bites sometimes, especially when it hits close to home.....

    Oh mark. I'm so sorry to hear that she's gone.
  2. S


    The Critter just headed to church to meet a girl. Hm. I do feel a little bit stressed.. :eek6:
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    What? That's a nice haircut. When the Critter goes to the get his hair cut, the decision on what it's gonna look like is left to him and his hair dresser. (No dying or other expensive shit though, just a cut.) When he got it done last time he got something that requires a fair bit of...
  4. S

    What do you wear on your feet?

    That looks a lot like a top I saw at Kapp-Ahl the other day. Not in that color tho'. I've been buying a lot of tops with "fake" collars. Because I'm too lazy to ever iron an entire shirt.
  5. S

    What do you wear on your feet?

    When I make an attempt at retail threapy, the Critter ends up with a lot of new stuff. I must be doing it wrong...
  6. S

    yo, old people

    Sure, lotsa stuff. I think. I don't pay attention to musics date of birth. If I know the CD has just been released... Here's a recent favourite of mine from this decade. Norwegian fellah.
  7. S

    Reality bites sometimes, especially when it hits close to home.....

    Damn. :( Sorry about the bad news, Mark.
  8. S

    ? for the parents

    We don't have that here, at least not in the way you do (from what I read). One person from every class will volunteer to be the class representative*, which means they attend bi-monthly (I think) meetings with other representatives and the school. They are the spokes person for all parents...
  9. S

    Leave Michael Vick Alone!

    That another video had me in stitches. But not as much as many of the other videos he made. :eek3:
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    What do you wear on your feet?

    Oooh, I like those..
  11. S

    What do you wear on your feet?

    Heh, is it just me, or.. On the image page, the third member of the band.. Doesn't he look like Ron Jeremy in the middle pic..? :evilgrin:
  12. S

    This WILL be the end of me

    I'm not better rested with more sleep. Like Aunty Em, I can get a pretty good headache if I sleep to much. It's worth it. :P
  13. S

    What do you wear on your feet?

    I must always have insoles (unless it's running shoes) so I know the problem there.. I always buy Compeed patches when I buy new shoes. If I detect the tinyest bit of irritation on the skin, I'll slap it on. Then after having walked in the shoes for a while the problem usually resolves itself...
  14. S

    This WILL be the end of me

    I need 6 hours, that's when I function best. Of course, being a lazy bitch, I always sleep much more whenever I have the chance, thus fucking up my day, but what can I say. I just love sleeping.
  15. S

    What do you wear on your feet?

    Oh, and welcome back to the board.
  16. S

    What do you wear on your feet?

    I like the look of the boots, just not the platform part. In my eyes they'd look better with just a third of that sole. Not that it matters, I'd never wear boots like that anyways. It looks good, just not on me.
  17. S

    CDC: Suicide rate among US girls soars

    Inky is smart.
  18. S

    Challenging the standard...

    I'm not ridiculing anything. :shrug: So a mother let her 14 year old daughter get married because of a loophole in the law. The law was changed to close it. Are you saying the laws cannot be changed so that a parent will no longer be able to give consent on behalf of someone under the age...
  19. S

    Challenging the standard...

    I said I'd give you one factor, if you put some thought into it I'm sure you can elabarate on it yourself.
  20. S

    CDC: Suicide rate among US girls soars

    Oh boy... ---- Whenever I contemplated suicide for brief moments, I realized I was too god damned nosy about what's behind door number two to ever do it.