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  1. PostCode

    Today's New International Version

    The NASB for real Bible study, the NKJV for most every other need. The KJV is a great Bible and has set it footprint in history but it was written in a time long gone. The wording is poetic, but it is a hard read for most people. I've read from the NIV but I think it is to off the path. For...
  2. PostCode

    Unbelievable Video: Cop Chase

    A police chase comes to an unbelievable ending in suburban St. Louis Friday evening. Police were following the driver of an SUV on Interstate 64. They say the driver was a suspect in a double homicide that happened in Town and Country, Missouri earlier in the day. Police say the driver was...
  3. PostCode

    Unbelievable Video: Cop Chase
  4. PostCode

    Help - PC keeps locking up/restarting

    First, it is BSODing, but it's restarting like it supposed to do. You can turn this off by right clicking on My Computer, Select Properties, then click on the Advanced Tab, or just open the System Proerties in the Control Panel. In here click on the Settings button for Startup and Recovery...
  5. PostCode

    Those liberals are right

    You got it. You can just see the hate in their eyes. :rolleyes:
  6. PostCode

    Those liberals are right

    Ain't gotta clue. There were a bunch of locals with them at the time so it may have been some other people.
  7. PostCode

    Computer getting fixed

    Indeed, but if you are really good you got a backup dialup in case the upstream fubar's the dslan. :nerd:
  8. PostCode

    Those liberals are right

    Absolutely nothing good is being acomplished over there in Iraq. Watch out. Those smiles are decieving.
  9. PostCode

    The pain, the pain.

    Turn it off in the BIOS and slap an el-cheapo $10 sound card in a open PCI slot. I hate onboard sound. Man do I hate those things.
  10. PostCode

    teachers vs. educators

  11. PostCode

    Am I mistaken

    Yeah. I just figured it out. The memory controller is in the CPU. :duh: Ok. It's just a case of bad ram then.
  12. PostCode

    Am I mistaken

    Or will a computer have problem when a Athlon 64 uses DDR 2100 RAM? This is a Northgate POS.
  13. PostCode


    A shit load. Remember, the governement hates small businesses.
  14. PostCode

    Guess my middle name

    George? No, Fred. Yeah, Fred.
  15. PostCode

    Well, crap

    To clean it I just ran the parts through the dish washer and then let em' drip dry for a couple days. Worked great after that.
  16. PostCode

    Well, crap

    I did once, but was smart enough to yard the friggin' power cord before any damage was done.
  17. PostCode

    Well, crap

    I'll get a larger drive from MA Labs. It'll cost me half the price for an 80GB drive from them.
  18. PostCode

    Well, crap

    Yeah, 15" SXGA 1400x1050 res tops
  19. PostCode

    Well, crap

    Specs on coming laptop: AMD Athlon 64 2800 512MB DVD/CDRW 128MB ATI M11P Video 40GB Drive 10/100/1000 Lan Battery Case Wireless Lan G 3 Year Warranty Toal $1363 + Shipping
  20. PostCode


    Well I'll be dipped..... I'm getting over 2K back this year....