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  1. PostCode

    The houselift

    yeesshhh I have a hard time even pronouncing half of that. I hate gardens. I got an old rose bush out front. I trim it one a year with the weed eater. That's enough gardening for me.
  2. PostCode

    File transfer 98SE to XP

    Here's another option. I've got one of these and use it a lot. They don't work well under 98 but under XP they work great. Since you are copy files from the 98 system to the XP system this should be just fine.
  3. PostCode

    1 week

    /me worries about nightmares tonight.
  4. PostCode

    anyone really well protected

    Was it good for you? :lol:
  5. PostCode

    anyone really well protected

    Click the link Leslie for a good time. Link Everyone else, this is a virus that will bring your pansy ass computer to it's pathetic knees. :lol:
  6. PostCode

    1 week

    You do realize that if you ever post such graphic material here again then you'll probably get banned for life from the Internet.
  7. PostCode

    OOOOH The Good Ole Hockey Game

    What is it with you Canucks and hockey anyway? Some kind of sexual thing? :lol:
  8. PostCode

    The New Macaw

    I swear that guys got a friggin' jungle goin' on over at his place.