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  1. Mirlyn

    TSA Cuffs Radio Host to Chair

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010 is NATIONAL OPT-OUT DAY!
  2. Mirlyn

    Ocean front property

    We have predominately southern winds. The joke is Oklahoma blows, and Nebraska sucks. /themoreyouknow
  3. Mirlyn

    Brazilians will be forced to use RFID chips and GPS trackers in their cars

    Depends on the type. Most RFID works off induction, which requires close proximity (inches, not feet). If it was a 60' range, key-access doors would be worthless.
  4. Mirlyn

    why a "regular joe" should NEVER be president

    put Bristol on the right for the symbolism [/gothy] :D
  5. Mirlyn

    Linux switch? It's time!

    Don't think its screen size so much as its processor horsepower. If you're running something comparable to the Atom processor, you'd go netbook. Netbook is the Desktop version watered down to run on the lighter hardware.
  6. Mirlyn

    FTC drops Google investigation

    Hotels use FRS for the employees. There can some good listening there, too. Not so much bow-chicka-bow-wow but especially the multifloor ones downtown will get room service, maintenance, security, airport transports, etc. If you're really bored (and lonely, I guess), I've been told sometimes...
  7. Mirlyn

    FTC drops Google investigation

    I believe its closer to channel 70~80 for older UHF sets, but the newer sets are re-tuned so those channel numbers are not in the same spectrum anymore (also as a result of rebanding). Doesn't really matter though, as a vast majority of cell traffic for the past decade has been digital.
  8. Mirlyn

    FTC drops Google investigation

    Now if the FCC decides to pursue this by bringing wiretapping charges in wifi world to a federal court, there may a new precedent similar to telephones. The article just says the FTC dropped their case involving consumer protection.
  9. Mirlyn

    FTC drops Google investigation

    I agree. Are we (or the FTC) levelled with the task of enforcing morals though? The laws really only apply to private property. If Google drove on company property (read: trespass) and logged company traffic transmitted in the clear, I'd understand. However, this is public property. WiFi...
  10. Mirlyn

    FTC drops Google investigation

    People shouldn't be broadcasting that information in the first place. Google just captured what can be obtained by any individual walking or driving down Anystreet, USA.
  11. Mirlyn

    New Bill Gives Obama ‘Kill Switch’ To Shut Down The Internet
  12. Mirlyn

    Chevy Volt not as amped up as it was touted

    They can shoot back.
  13. Mirlyn

    Ahmadinejad is a Truther!

  14. Mirlyn

    CIA or Mossad
  15. Mirlyn

    +9 years
  16. Mirlyn

    Jan Brewer meltdown

    What ever happened with the feet washing up on the Pacific Northwest shores?
  17. Mirlyn

    Watch out for new Trojan virus

    The largest vulnerability in a computer is a user.
  18. Mirlyn


    There's at least three ARRA projects here that I can think of. Not one of them is fixing the worst interchange in the city.