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  1. Mirlyn

    Got back from Portland today

    Cam's credit cards all worked fine here. They even had nominal service charges for the exchange compared to what mine racks up there. Now debit cards might've not worked--I don't think hers was backed by Visa/MC like most of ours are so the station would've had to support that particular ATM...
  2. Mirlyn

    Temperature anomoly 2010

    Unless of course he's consenting to the popular belief that it is cold in the southern hemisphere during our warm summer season. ;)
  3. Mirlyn

    Obama vs. a judge with a brain.

    Will not, or some don't? Protection from some catastrophes require additional policies (ie, flood), but most comprehensive policies cover hail, wind, and lightning. That's the whole reason for insurance in these parts.
  4. Mirlyn

    Temperature anomoly 2010

    Don't forget about iodized salt.
  5. Mirlyn

    Need a new car

    A.B. could probably attest to the 2 and 3 specifically, but the Mazda6 needs a football field to turn around. Maybe its just the larger wheelbase, dunno. That's the only thing I don't like about it. The only thing. The Explorer can turn in 2/3's the space (like nearly the width of a...
  6. Mirlyn

    Oil spill progression

    Perhaps Mirlyn simply questions studies which are based on a few years of research. Nobody knows what they do long term. Same goes for prescription meds. Could be harmless. We just don't know.
  7. Mirlyn

    Temperature anomoly 2010
  8. Mirlyn

    Oil spill progression

    Sorry Val, I agree with you but using the EPA as a source after your last sentence was kind of funny. ;)
  9. Mirlyn

    Technology On Vacation

    PDANet I believe has a free version that blocks HTTPS and the paid version allows full access. Instead of paying for an app, I rooted mine and have custom ROM that allows wifi tethering (and supports WEP for added security). Tmobile has the hotspot option, Sprint has (or had?) another idea...
  10. Mirlyn


    I'm about 20 mins from the office and 10mins from our secondary data center, so my travel time isn't much, but I am fully operational at home with VPNs to both sites and a phone at my desk.
  11. Mirlyn

    Technology On Vacation

    No, AFAIK its a Tmo/Nokia only feature. Its called HotSpot @Home, and is bascially a GSM->SIP client for the cell radio. Here's a bit more info: If a phone is wifi-enabled, it has the capabilities of using a local...
  12. Mirlyn

    Copiers contain hardrives

    ZOMG!!! QUICK! SHOW THE BAD CLIPART AND GRAPHICS AND SOUNDS, OH MY! First off, anyone dumb enough to print sensitive documents to a copier that contains mailboxes and document store features ought to be re-trained by their copier salesmen and/or shot. If the copier salesman doesn't understand...
  13. Mirlyn

    We will control what you see. We will control what you hear. We will control you.

    On one hand I would be taking a huge grain of salt with every gov-funded news organization's story. There's freedom of the press, and then there is cutting the checks of the press. On the other, I really like most of the shows on PBS and NPR, which already get a good chunk of funding via...
  14. Mirlyn

    Oil spill progression

    Would that make it a Category 5W20?
  15. Mirlyn

    How's your garden doing?

    I was surprised to learn they're considered fowl here. Same rules as keeping house pets like parakeets, etc--you only get to keep so many fowl within city limits (like 5 or something).
  16. Mirlyn

    Wireless network question

    I've seen APs not reach farther than 20-30' within the same house. Stucco is a common example of this (metal mesh in the walls). Can you hard-reset the router and see if the wireless appears? Assuming the router really is broadcasting and the wireless does work, the channel is the next...
  17. Mirlyn

    Polish plane crash

  18. Mirlyn

    Ben always liked France

  19. Mirlyn

    ACTA draft text released Analysis (via Slashdot): :thumbdn: