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  1. Q

    The demonic invasion has begun.

    We laugh at your silly death threats. :P Steve loves me...I think he sneaks in at odd hours to peek in my profile.
  2. Q

    What kind of mold is black, gooey, and undetectable, smell-wise, until you get close?

    Why, cuz it's messy or because of the invasion of the blob? If it's cuz it's messy, I'm quite sure the little buggers can maneuver around that kinda stuff like little atvs :D
  3. Q

    Something different...

    Even surf and turf is kind of a crappy trade for trapping you in the *undisclosed* location for an extra 4 months. Especially since you could just go to Red Lobster when you got home. Yeah, you got screwed alright. :hmm:
  4. Q

    Something different...

    MRE surf and turf?? yummy :D
  5. Q

    What kind of mold is black, gooey, and undetectable, smell-wise, until you get close?

    Any chance the boys might have had something to do with this? Not necessarily on purpose, but possibly a little accident they might have not wanted to mention?
  6. Q

    What kind of mold is black, gooey, and undetectable, smell-wise, until you get close?

    Does it look like it came from behind the wall?
  7. Q

    What kind of mold is black, gooey, and undetectable, smell-wise, until you get close?

    Actually, it doesn't sound like mold, sounds like something leaked or spilled and turned gross. What does it smell like when you get close?
  8. Q

    Just call me Pery Mason

    They nail us for parking fines when we renew our tags. I got a lovely $150.00 surprise last year because the old boy got a few tickets he "forgot" to mention. :grumpy:
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    Happy Birthday Les!!!!! :hbd::toast::trippin:
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    Gonna have to start checking my Email sooner.

    Nuh uh... there :P
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    Welcome AgentG!

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    Welcome, Wish

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    Welcome, Kaervek

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    Welcome, AxL

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    Oh....yeah, now that you mention it, haven't seen him in days...
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    Welcome TheBB (from Blizzforums)

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    Welcome, SoldierPrime

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    I'll never drink again ...

    *twirls on head* :trippin:
  19. Q


    Yes is it, but I don't think a trip to the Kia dealership would be all that exciting. Prolly frown on landing jumbo jets there too. Unc is in Atlanta, whoreable. So is HomeLAN, and Kruz and catocom are both pretty close to there as well.
  20. Q

    Lost a family member!

    :crying4: You did the absolutely kindest thing for your kitty, 99.