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  1. Winky

    Joseph McClendon III or Anthony Robbins?

    it was the 80's man I learned bio-feedback and walked on fire when I lined up to walk across the third time the dude was all like: hey you can stop now...
  2. Winky

    Well, welcome to socialized medicine in America

    the truth is out there sadly you'll be one of the millions living under martial law (and strangely enough liking it) while we keep the fight alive in the hinterlands
  3. Winky

    The Terrifying Future of The United States

    sure as hell beats this Obamanation
  4. Winky

    The Terrifying Future of The United States

    I prefer to live in the past
  5. Winky

    How can this be?

    yer right about that, there's a virtually unlimited degree of opportunity to profit from them in this obamanation economy
  6. Winky

    How can this be?

    in this new government dependent world I thought being dumb was a decided advantage?
  7. Winky

    How can this be?

    yer all mixed up minx we are on their side now
  8. Winky

    Someone is going to jail ...

    if that idiot gets into trouble he had it coming no self respecting guy behaves in such a way prolly got herps in his esophagus to boot
  9. Winky

    We've all got a little baboon in us

    Some do some don't