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  1. HubbaHubba

    Should i get my nipple pierced...

    I think i'd like to get it done and as i said before its not like this sprung up overnight ive been debating it for a while, its just now if i actually wanted to the timing would be best. I think im looking more for someone who has a health reason not to or something like that, things to watch...
  2. HubbaHubba

    Should i get my nipple pierced...

    ...this week while my mom/girlfriend/other people that tell me to do things are out of town :lloyd: it's either that or possibly getting my eyebrow, i just think my mom would flip on that and the nipple isnt as visible :devious: (actually i know my mom would flip on the eyebrow, plus my...
  3. HubbaHubba

    ELO tourches 5 Million in SUVs

    *hummer joke relating car to fellato here*
  4. HubbaHubba

    No porn?

    im still wondering what he ate to make it blue :tard:
  5. HubbaHubba

    This'll make you afraid to boil water.

    why did you messure four cups of water to boil though :p just whateve or is it like the rice thing where its actually going to effect the output one friend of mine here measures the amount of water you need for kraft dinner.. geeze
  6. HubbaHubba

    What the muppets are really like!!!!

    they page is already in my bookmarks, curse you for not having some crazy flash/homemade video questioning the important issue that their sexuality among other things.
  7. HubbaHubba

    Things to be said about X's.......

    they arent all bad :p my last one wants a fuck buddy relationship with me :p so at least they give ego++'s
  8. HubbaHubba

    my exam

    the sound of something going right by you at top speed *VRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* :manhug:
  9. HubbaHubba

    my exam

    *pulls on collar* umm .. luis...
  10. HubbaHubba

    Slogan Poll FINALS!

    but theres too much room for oxymorons in that one chcr, i mean.. bush and flaming faggots.. Go go If it makes sense... here! :beerbang:
  11. HubbaHubba

    The future of hate...

    people assosiate things, (think pavlov) black people hit you on various occations, way back you would assosiate blacks with getting hit and would hate them. the you grow up around people like this and your veiws are altered by them etc etc. Its a triggered emotion originally, but it leads...
  12. HubbaHubba

    Slogan Poll Round 2

  13. HubbaHubba

    Mega Poll. Not for the easily bored.

    :swing: :alienhuh: :swing: :lol2: :swing: :devious: :nerd: :swing: dunno why i did it... fun fun
  14. HubbaHubba

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    cool, checking it out now!
  15. HubbaHubba

    Interview Game

    1no idol 2retarded chorus to can't stop, won't stop .. stupid mtv 3. 43 1. Favourite Movie? 2. How many times have you seen Monty Python ATHG 3. How often do you eat a completely healthy meal
  16. HubbaHubba

    Is it possible to fall asleep watching a horror movie???....apprently.... yes.

    dude, when a character is named Dr. Satan something should just click
  17. HubbaHubba

    Gender Bender

    im just a sweet transvestite *sweet transvestite* from traaan-SEX-U-AL transelvainyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA-HA-HA
  18. HubbaHubba


    i *am* living forever although i figure we'll blow ourselves up soon enough
  19. HubbaHubba

    Interview Game

    nightclub.. dancing > * live liquor 1.When you talk into the phone, how come you can hear them near the phonejack? 2. How many people have you loved? 3. most interesting/insane date
  20. HubbaHubba

    If the cops do it, is it still illegal?

    crooked cops piss me the fuck off maybe thats because im a notorious/pac fan though, various members of the LAPD can burn in hell