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  1. BlurOfSerenity

    Bettie Page Has Died.

    After being on continuous life support and in a coma since her heart attack, Bettie passed away yesterday (the 11th). She was 85. *looks around at all the bettie pictures on her walls and sighs* :( (I just found out through someone's facebook status, and I went to read about it on...
  2. BlurOfSerenity

    things that give you a headache.

    lately, my glasses. i rolled over them in bed recently, and i can't get them bent back to how they're supposed to be, so i've had like 6 headaches this week.
  3. BlurOfSerenity

    Bettie Page had a heart attack

    i've changed my icon. i'm trimming my bangs (which i cut in the first place because of bettie) tonight. i'm pulling for you, lady!
  4. BlurOfSerenity

    Bettie Page had a heart attack

    holy shit. i don't know what to say. i hope she gets better.... yikes.
  5. BlurOfSerenity


    i did try! (see post #12) i bought the first book before the last two even came out, and the movie wasn't happening yet, and i tried to read it and was just bothered by the writing style... i mean, it's really hard for me to get into a book anyway, so its' not like i devour books and just...
  6. BlurOfSerenity


    it was very entertaining, though.
  7. BlurOfSerenity


    i went to see the twilight movie, because some friends wanted to go... oh. my. god, that has to have been one of the worst movies i've ever seen in my life. like, it was technically terrible. and i don't know if it was supposed to be as hilarious as it was... like, every time edward glared...
  8. BlurOfSerenity

    This pic really gives me the wiggins

    Looking at it again, I think a lot of why it doesn't really bother me is because it looks so FAKE. I really don't like holes being close together like that... looking at dried lotus pods in flower arrangements, with the lotus seed things still in the holes especially, and while this picture...
  9. BlurOfSerenity

    This pic really gives me the wiggins

    When I saw the title of the thread, I just KNEW that's the picture you meant! I'm not as grossed out by it as I thought I'd be... then again, I watch botfly larva extraction videos on youtube!
  10. BlurOfSerenity

    Know what commercial I miss?

    ink, i never liked the commecial much, though i do love the original 'toon!
  11. BlurOfSerenity


    was it "murmured?" my friend that read it said that at one point, it seemed that every time someone says something, they murmur it. "...bella murmured" "...edward murmured", over and over.
  12. BlurOfSerenity


    agreed! i just didn't like the style... the wording was awkward, i felt (coming from ME, that's perhaps saying something!). i didn't get more than a few chapters in, because of it. my bff read it, and though she thought it was pretty bad, she still really enjoyed it. but she thought, "i can do...
  13. BlurOfSerenity


    i love you! (what picture did you use?)
  14. BlurOfSerenity


    i wanted to get an full-body apple bonker on my side, but i learned i would probably want to die, so i'm going to put it in the yellow submarine leg piece i'm planning! i haven't been able to work on my alice sleeve since june :( i've got $25 in my tattoo fund, though!
  15. BlurOfSerenity


    i would like to take a picture of my skin, and find the average color value for it, and find the hexadecimal code for that, and say that that's what i am.
  16. BlurOfSerenity

    Banned, but still remembered

    i'm very sad about that, that's my dream car :( someday, i'll buy one used...
  17. BlurOfSerenity


    at target, where i work, a lady lost her purse, and went off to search for it while i got ahold of an manager-type person and reported it. the manager-type person asked for a description of the lady so she could go find her, since she'd wandered off. so, i described her ... dark brown hair...
  18. BlurOfSerenity

    R.I.P. America July 4, 1776- Nov. 4, 2008

    my my, how clever and witty!
  19. BlurOfSerenity

    halloween costumes 2008

    my queen of hearts worked out rather well!
  20. BlurOfSerenity

    Police exam, only white males passed...

    HEEE, i love that this happened!!