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  1. Camelyn

    Rightie PC freaks

    Forget gay. Both Barney and Tinky Winky are examples of a grand conspiracy but the producers of childrens programming to make our children want to be purple. Purple I tell you!! Magnta from Blues Clues, she's purple too! And recently compiled statistic show that at least 25% of all muppets...
  2. Camelyn

    How to foster the next generation of 'Terrorist' -102

    If I had my 6 children in a car with me and men with guns pointed them at me and told me to stop, I would not only stop, I would do everything these men told me that I had to do, crossing my t's and dotting my i's, because I, as a parent, would NEVER want to be the cause of that horrible look of...
  3. Camelyn

    How to foster the next generation of 'Terrorist' -102

    He *is* fearsome! Well, under reduced light conditions, maybe from an angle and at a bit of a distance... Straight on and in direct light though, he's a really really tall red-headed teddy bear with the cutest baby face that lets him get away with all kinds of crap :D *runs even faster...
  4. Camelyn

    How to foster the next generation of 'Terrorist' -102

    Shit yeah. Deep, meaningful earth-shattering issues that we tackle with a relentless hard edge realism... cutting edge stuff, like... who's your favorite rock star. ;) Pulitzer material right there baby, maybe even call the Nobel people. :D
  5. Camelyn

    Village missing an idiot?

    Aha! I'm not just a confused canuk then (well not ALL the time anyway)! :D So next time I pass through there, I'll make sure to ask you for directions. ;)
  6. Camelyn

    Village missing an idiot?

  7. Camelyn

    Village missing an idiot?

    What the hell do I know, I'm Canadian. I never can tell how you silly Americans are going to spell things :D Besides, some american tourist thing or other said it's supposed to be in Fort Wayne, not my fault if the locals keep moving it around to confuse people ;)
  8. Camelyn

    Village missing an idiot?

    I was in Ft Wayne this past summer. We went out for breakfast, and the closest thing resembling it on the menu was pancakes, but they only had whole wheat..with so much cinnamon, you saw streaks. They were so bad I got adventurous and tried tobasco sauce, but that idea wasn't all that hot...
  9. Camelyn

    Google image search on your screen name

    Well, the majority of the pictures are from my geocities site... The first return is this one though, which isn't mine, but still purdy :D
  10. Camelyn

    a christmas contest

    I have a bunch of pictures of lights in Montreal here: Also, there are some really nice ones in the following folder, like this one, that show downtown Montreal:
  11. Camelyn

    Super-slim or super-functional?

    I just bought the Canon powershot A70 a couple of months ago. It replaced my Kodak. I absolutely love it. It has both the automatic features you want for quick shots, as well as having all the manual features you need for special shots. Not at all heavy, and the battery life is so much better...
  12. Camelyn

    Canadian Liberalism Crapped Up My Country

    So sayeth the chick who works for a CRO in pharmaceutical research in (wait for it) Canada, Montreal specifically, where there are more pharmaceutical companies than there are car dealerships. Source
  13. Camelyn

    This is how it all starts...

    I agree. Gun control, or lack thereof is quite a convoluted issue. I never talked about banning guns though, not gonna touch that issue on this board with a 10 foot pole ;) Just trying to make the point that knives and guns, though both can be used to kill, are IMO not comparable in the...
  14. Camelyn

    This is how it all starts...

    Which is more likely cause more death and/or injury? A 17 year old kid with a gun or a 17 year old kid with a knife? Easier to shoot off a bunch of rounds into a crowd before the realization hits you than it is to move on to the next victim after the first victims blood has gushed all over your...
  15. Camelyn

    This is how it all starts...

    You know, I can't remember the last time I heard about somone hiding in the bushes and taking down a couple of dozen people with a deadly spray of semi-automatic knife stabbing... Knifings are up close and personal, You have to get within arms length of your victims, who can at least...
  16. Camelyn

    the best babysitter EVER!

    She's in grade 1 this year. Doing very well :) And I've been around, just not enough time to be too posty :)
  17. Camelyn

    the best babysitter EVER!

    $7/day since last january, more as per each induvidual daycare. I pay on average, depending on the number of days in the month, a total of about $450 a month, for one child in pre and post class grade school program, and one child in daycare.
  18. Camelyn

    what gives you the worst gas?

    Microbiology humour: So a mushroom walks into a bar, spots a hot babe and tries to pick her up. The hot babe says says "I'm sorry, I'm just not interested" The mushroom says "Why not? I'm a fungi." :D *runs*
  19. Camelyn

    what gives you the worst gas?

    Actually, fart gas comes from by-products of bacterial digestion. These bacteria live in our large intestine. They munch away at any food that we were unable to digest in the small intestine, and produce stanky gas as one of the by-products of their own digestive processes. So the foods that...