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  1. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    What we can clearly see here is that Bush's economic policies were a failure and Obama's have been a drastic improvement. You can hide from the facts all you want but they are so obvious it makes you look incredibly ridiculous to keep ignoring them.
  2. spike

    Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    I disproved every single one of your points and ignored your trolling and attempts to change the subject. So, do you have a link to backup this stupid conspiracy theory fantasy shit or are you going to admit you made it up?
  3. spike

    Good news for Spike

    I know you like to avoid the facts but don't project that kind of denial on other people. Own it.
  4. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Huuurrrrrrrrr.......duurrrrrrr....commie. LOL. I'll take that as you have nothing to counter the facts and have nothing left but idiotic trolling. Hey, predictably you thought you'd try some straw men when you got flogged in the discussion. Reality sucks for you huh?
  5. spike

    Good news for Spike

    Yeah, alcohol is much more damaging to the body and impairs you more. Sure, many pot smokers also drink and many drinkers also smoke.
  6. spike

    Good news for Spike

    How's that compare to a drunk electorate?
  7. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    This coming from the guy who can't seem to focus on the facts in front of his face because they don't agree with his fantasy. That is insane useful idiocy. As the article says some liberal groups want Obama to do more about gay rights and withdraw from Afghanistan. This is irrelevant to the...
  8. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Seriously, do you start to have actual vision problems when you see something factual that doesn't fit your fantasy world? That's pretty amazing. It's like your eyes and brain suffer a tantrum, you go into full denial of reality, an then there's just this "huuuuurrrrrrrr duuuurrrrrrr....I'll try...
  9. spike

    Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    Those two quotes do not mean at all the same thing. Somehow they do in your fantasy land though. The purpose is right in your article: "In an attempt to curb gun running to Mexico"
  10. spike

    Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    Here, let me help you out. You gotta read the thread in order:
  11. spike

    Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    WTF does that have to do with this stupid shit -> "obama's justice dept created a situation where they can claim US guns were killing people in mexico so they can restrict guns laws in the US even more."
  12. spike

    Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    Is that how you make up this shit with no factual basis? No thanks.
  13. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Yeah, it is probably pretty crazy to keep presenting facts to you over and over and expect you to be able to debate like an adult instead of running from them and sticking your head in the sand. I'm presenting verifiable facts from sources like Yahoo Finance, Reuters, Bureau of Labor...
  14. spike

    Holder's Justice Dept kills Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

    Your link contains no info on restrictions on purchasing. Proving once again you live in a fantasy of made up shit.
  15. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Ironic coming from the guy ignoring the facts on the economy under Bush. Thankfully. That was the worst president in history. Back in reality the economy is on an upswing since Bush crashed it. Stocks under Bush: Stocks under Clinton: From big gay
  16. spike

    Stay classy liberals

    That's some serious willful ignorance. The people who are most opposed to freedom are usually conservative. They seem to like to restrict what people do in their private lives. I see the word socialist in National Socialist here's a Stormfronter to explain it to you. "One, National...
  17. spike

    Stay classy liberals

  18. spike

    Stay classy liberals

    Damn, you got that wrong too. You've got some serious misunderstandings of basic things.