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  1. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Speaking of revising history.;_ylt=At6SLU89ed5110Lx4A_SrkOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNjdWV2bzkyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwNjA1L3VzX3BhbGluBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNARwb3MDMQRwdANob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX2hlYWRsaW5lX2xpc3QEc2xrA3BhbGluaWRpZG50bQ--...
  2. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Re: I know you're quite insane Here ya go... What do you want to revise exactly?
  3. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Re: yer an idiot Why? The info is right there. Why would you revise it?
  4. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Really, the numbers are there for anyone to look up. I even linked. Are you just going to ignore them and rewrite the past?
  5. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    What are the chances you'd want to actually get specific about something you disagree with?
  6. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Incorrect. During the 1950s and early 1960s when America had one of its best stretches of sustained growth, tax rates on the rich were the highest they've ever been. 91%. Since the Bush tax cuts, with top tax rates at about the lowest in recent history, we had the worst growth rate since the...
  7. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Well we're going to have to raise them again now if you want to get rid of that deficit since we've had years of irresponsibility from the last pres. But yeah, there's a lot of stuff we can cut out.
  8. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    It's completely irresponsible (and disastrous as we've seen) to push for tax cuts without also pushing for spending decreases to cover them. That is his fault. Lie. You were just trying to blame Obama for the deficit a week or two ago. Now when it turns out the previous president is mostly...
  9. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    And Bush didn't push for any reductions to go along with his tax cuts. There's no mandate requiring the massive amount of funds going to the military complex.
  10. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Yeah, cuts can be made (especially wars and military budget) but the point is none were made with the Bush tax cuts. That's why that yellow area in the graph is so big.
  11. spike

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Here's a thought... Maybe she's just stupid?
  12. spike

    Saint Obama

    You have no idea what you're talking about.
  13. spike

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Re: Done gone Rouge Wow, she really has you fooled. Yeah, she's not looking for any attention.
  14. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Well the tax cuts were in 2001 and 2003. There were a bunch of people in Congress. I'm sure you can look up who. I think what you're going for here maybe is that you can never blame the president for spending even if he signs the bills. Does that mean you won't ever be blaming Obama for any...
  15. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Re: How's that hope and change werkin' out for you Winky you have some extreme slowness on the way you determine things. I've already tried explaining the same thing to Gonz. See when you cut taxes (what you take in) without also decreasing spending you balloon the debt which is why the Bush...
  16. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    How so? It shows pretty clearly what effects different things had on the debt. I think maybe you still don't understand it. Concentrate on the "Debt without these factors" line....then look above it.
  17. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Yeah, it's too bad. Cheer up though's a cat.
  18. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Says the guy who couldn't read the chart. :laugh: Where did I say that? Some corporations pay taxes. If you think they just pass them along to the consumer then you could say that the consumer passes them back to corporations by requiring increased salaries. Along with the other...
  19. spike

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    As you can see by the chart, if you cut taxes and do not also reduce spending your deficit will balloon. It's like if you said "taking a giant pay cut will cost me nothing" but you put it in big letters for some reason.
  20. spike

    Saint Obama

    You say weird shit out of nowhere often.