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  1. spike

    India Had Warned The U.S. That Bin Laden Was Hiding Close To Islamabad

    That'd be weird since I'm not one of them.
  2. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    Wow, that Reagan as a commie fact just completely shut you down huh? It's like your world collapsed on that one.
  3. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    What happened to Gonz on this one? He was all about calling no fault divorce a commie thing right up until it was pointed out Reagan started it. Did his head explode?
  4. spike

    India Had Warned The U.S. That Bin Laden Was Hiding Close To Islamabad

    Is there a nickname for the new bin Laden conspiracy nuts yet?
  5. spike

    India Had Warned The U.S. That Bin Laden Was Hiding Close To Islamabad

    Yeah, some "I thinks" and He died in an earthquake, Omar Sheikh killed him, he died from marfan syndrome. You really expect anyone to take that seriously? Couldn't help but notice no link.
  6. spike

    India Had Warned The U.S. That Bin Laden Was Hiding Close To Islamabad

    I was using it because it's a favorite of RM's. :)
  7. spike

    Only ten days left!
  8. spike

    India Had Warned The U.S. That Bin Laden Was Hiding Close To Islamabad

    yeah, that seems legit. :rolleyes:
  9. spike

    India Had Warned The U.S. That Bin Laden Was Hiding Close To Islamabad

    Read more:
  10. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    No, what's sad is that you see communism everywhere where it isn't. It's like you just apply it to anything you don't personally like. If a kid accidentally breaks your window with a baseball do you assume he's a commie? That's a good example. Work contracts can be ended at any point by...
  11. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    That's pretty funny that you think abortion and no fault divorce and the EPA are about communism. :laugh: Your views on no fault divorce where you want some government nannyism all up in people's personal lives are a bit Totalitarian.
  12. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    Wow, you're obsessed with communism. It's like you're a cartoon character or something. Down with workers! minkey's a commie now because he thought your idiotic picture was stupid.
  13. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    Oh hey, you made something up with no basis in reality again.
  14. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    Weird that you'd say that. It's all about we got bin Laden and you seem to be bitching about it.
  15. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    I'm not sure what your point is here Gonz. Is it that Rumsfeld is not as informed on the subject of KSM's waterboarding as you are?
  16. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    Saw that pic awhile ago. Kinda funny....kinda meh.
  17. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead
  18. spike

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    Finally a thumbup for Obama getting bin Laden. I was wondering when one of you cons were going to come around and congratulate the man.