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  1. Uki Chick


    Happy belated Starya! Sorry I missed it. I'm with you there on the back scratches. Loooooove them!
  2. Uki Chick

    Halloween Costumes

    In my case, you can keep her, but I can't speak for the guys here!
  3. Uki Chick

    Another victim of fashion

    It's not only you! I find I have to go most often too.
  4. Uki Chick

    Another victim of fashion

    According to some, the sensation. I don't understand it myself. None of it! Honestly, it sort of grosses me out all together!
  5. Uki Chick

    Another victim of fashion

    My ex had it done after we split up. Didn't find it to be very attractive really. But, that's just my opinion. I know someone who got the tip of his penis pierced too.
  6. Uki Chick

    Halloween Costumes

    The kids look great! You look good as a blonde!
  7. Uki Chick

    Happy Birthday Sam!

    :cake: :toast: :hbd: All the best for a great day!
  8. Uki Chick


    How I'd love to go back to bed. This rain is so depressing.
  9. Uki Chick


    I've searched for things on it a few times and Frank's brother used it to sell music equipment. There's also LesPac as well. Never searched it for guns though.
  10. Uki Chick

    Baby pic - so Uki will be happy :)

    Ever hear of lying. My parents were caretakers for an elderly woman living in Montreal. There were a bunch of cats in the house and they brought them to Berger Blanc in Laval and gave my address as a reference so they wouldn't have to pay.
  11. Uki Chick

    Baby pic - so Uki will be happy :)

    The SPCA isn't always the best option. Perhaps you should look into Berger Blanc. They're open 24/7 for drop offs.
  12. Uki Chick

    Is it just me...

    I hope not! Yes, you did say she was still a hottie. As long as she doesn't gain too much weight I guess.
  13. Uki Chick

    Move over Tupperware.

    So my guess is up at the cottage?
  14. Uki Chick

    New girlfriend to report

    I'd have to ask. Not sure he would share, which is fine with me too. He's an old fashioned kind of guy.
  15. Uki Chick

    New girlfriend to report

    Face it, he wants to keep you all for himself. He doesn't share!!!
  16. Uki Chick

    Move over Tupperware.

    Women like candles. She probably holding onto them if ever she wants to use them.
  17. Uki Chick


    LOL, now you have to live with it.
  18. Uki Chick

    New girlfriend to report

    Either that or Unc forgot to give you the message....
  19. Uki Chick


    That's what happens when you ask for it out of curiosity. Now you have to live with it.
  20. Uki Chick

    Is it just me...

    I don't even watch! And even if she did gain some pounds since her marriage, what's wrong with that???