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  1. Justintime


    hhmm.. i just need my lips to work, ya know.. the lick test? ;)
  2. Justintime


    uh huh :brow:
  3. Justintime


    cheap surgery.. :lol2:
  4. Justintime

    I had to laugh.

    Uh huh :D
  5. Justintime

    I had to laugh.

    I like you already :wink2:
  6. Justintime

    YAY Peterska2!!

    :eek: Arris :D
  7. Justintime

    very very very disturbed people

    Hypnotic suggestion not to have em? i'd bet they're sick enough to try that :S
  8. Justintime

    YAY Peterska2!!

    :lol: Congrats!
  9. Justintime


    Jiiigggggggg ally pufffffffffff.... (specially for Leslie that was :D)
  10. Justintime

    very very very disturbed people

    :eek6: weird folk...they need therapy.
  11. Justintime

    My last hour was... wow! :D

    :eek: run!
  12. Justintime

    Yeah, my board's farked

    Your dads board is an Nforce 2 innit? your PCI and AGP must be holdin you back as i assume you're runnin a VIA right? remember the Nforce 2 has locked AGP and PCI.
  13. Justintime

    My last hour was... wow! :D

  14. Justintime

    New Barton so far...

    Whats the stepping? If its not AXIA or AYHJA (doubt the made later than that?) i won't expect much, the core colour never mattered its just the finish they used at the factories, though it could prolly tell where a certain core was made, s'all. Are you o'cin by fsb or unlocking? if you're doing...
  15. Justintime

    New Barton so far...

    I prefer jumpers, sadly. More permanent to me than BIOS settings, guess its the ol skool showing :D Basically the only real reason i o'ced this is to see how good the Barton Cores are, and have a nice 2Ghz+ 512K L2 Athlon :D Had to give it 1.675v, failed prime 95 after 3hours, fuckin stable but...
  16. Justintime

    New Barton so far...

    yes, i've actually never been down that route. ol skool MCSE, A+ N+, CISCO here, but more paper the better. If you get a nice PIV 2.4 that does 3.2 easy, you'd be sittin nice, but if you're not an overclocker i'd get a nice 2400+ or so, more than 100% over your T bird.
  17. Justintime

    New Barton so far...

    The Athlon has been slowly losing everything in the top range, the PIV was always the best choice for video encoding and whatnot. Athlon still rulez in the middle range imho, can't beat a 1700+ @ 2.4Ghz, peanuts you pay for that and it'll prolly rape a PIV up to about 2.8-2.9Ghz.
  18. Justintime

    freddy vs jason

    It is? Yesterdays threads are old? :eek: