I recall, in the late 80's, an unusual number of suppressed memory child abuse convictions. It seemed
weird then & it looks like another reason to question "scientific evidence". They're always changing their
minds about what's real & what isn't.
[edit] Oh, look, that's all part of the story I...
The good news is, those who don't work there will raise a fuss about your lack of
a livable income, will stop shopping there (or induce others to not shop there), making
it harder to get a job there.
Thank gawd for helpful busybodies
I saw the Blaze story several hours after I posted this. Even if he's a drug magnate,
let's keep our fingers out of his ass after the x-ray says no. I wonder what peon cop
got the job of watching him shit.
I keep seeing the term "assault rifle". Yet, I've not seen any further details on the weapon. Was
it an AR? AK? Mini-14? Seems that nobody knows for sure
psycho drugs...that's another unanswered question (if not, he'd be the first in quite some time)