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  1. Gonz

    Rand Paul: If The Government Is Going To Watch Us They Need Probable Cause

    A drone with a hellfire for a liquor store robbery? Geez Goth, where's his due process?
  2. Gonz

    Rand Paul: If The Government Is Going To Watch Us They Need Probable Cause

    The deeper he gets in his setup to run for prez/2016, the more Washingtonian he gets
  3. Gonz

    Rand Paul: If The Government Is Going To Watch Us They Need Probable Cause

    Overseas, my ass he's for drones over the US all of the sudden
  4. Gonz

    American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare Plan

    Oh good, prices are dropping. Now it's just dumb instead of stupid
  5. Gonz

    The stupids are winning

    Privatize it? Then they couldn't use it as political fodder
  6. Gonz

    The future of Obamacare

    We had one of those. I was the only one who bitched. They all thought I was nuts. we have the government we deserve.
  7. Gonz

    Oppose the Violence Against Women Act

    The girl who became an fat dude...different watches
  8. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    Oh, fuck that pussy noise
  9. Gonz

    Oppose the Violence Against Women Act

    Oh good, it got a new watch
  10. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    Due to this week, will there be any support for open borders & repealing the 2nd? (temporarily of course)
  11. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    Nice switcheroo. We're no longer accused of blaming Arabs, we're accused of blaming foreigners. Global Warming? Huh, okay. Climate change. Well, since those that have attacked us, all Muslim, maybe we should blame radical Islam, err, wait that's what we've been doing.
  12. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    Well now, Minx & the piece of shit at Salondotcom have their white guys. Chechen. Muslims, it appears.
  13. Gonz

    Yellowstone supervolcano larger than previously thought

    That's gonna be one hungry baby
  14. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    Oh, and by the way
  15. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    So that's it...ok, well, when you get a full brain, you'll understand
  16. Gonz

    not sure what to make of this one...

    Explains the TSA's interest in gramma