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  1. Psycho


  2. Psycho

    Windows 2004 screenshots

    I agree, but I already told you over MSN how much I hated WinXP, so I won't go into that again :P
  3. Psycho

    Just for caffeine loving geeks....

    Ah, ThinkGeek, you gotta love it :) No caffeinated soap for me, although I always wanted the 'codito ergo sum'-shirt :headbang:
  4. Psycho


    Congrats with the chick :headbang: Oh, and the Diploma too :headbang:
  5. Psycho


    Bad memories of vodka... really bad... *puke* Now I've got a bottle of drop-shot, but I doubt you know the stuff. I can't seem to find the translation of 'drop' on this forum anymore, I know I had it once. Anyways, it seems to be a dutch thing (it was produced in my city according to the...
  6. Psycho

    Goofy Songs

    - Any Weird Al Yankovic song ('Amish Paradise' being my favourite) - Half of the Blink 182 songs (although 'Blowjob' is kind of sad :crying3: :D) - Southpark - Uncle Fucker - Tenacious D. - ? <- got some videoclip in which they enter a 'mini-studio' and meet the devil on some road, really...
  7. Psycho

    How do you like your eggs?

    I like my eggs on a bread-stick for lunch while I'm posting on OTC... OMG, I gotta get back to work, so I have a good excuse... *drewl* (ok, so it's nothing special, just a bread-stick with sliced egg and salt, but hey, that's me, all simple and stuff, and I like it. so there. and...
  8. Psycho

    Did you know?

    :lol: lemme guess, you've been watching Southpark? :D (that is, combined with the reply in the 'what are you listening to' thread ;))
  9. Psycho

    What are you listening to right now?

    :rofl2: oh man, I gotta watch Southpark again :D
  10. Psycho

    With Deepest Condolences

  11. Psycho

    What are you listening to right now?

    And one especially for LL: Silverchair - Stoned
  12. Psycho

    Did you know?

    I've never really been in a fight, does that mean I'm doing a good job or that I'm a wuss? :eek10:
  13. Psycho

    My sister is evil

  14. Psycho

    What are you listening to right now?

    Krezip - Gentle
  15. Psycho

    Run 'em over

    90 at both first and second try at home :headbang:
  16. Psycho

    OT Central is God

    Well, ain't this your lucky day, you get to experience something only few have, and it's all for free! Now just lay still while we sacrifice you...
  17. Psycho

    3rd sniper identified!

    Yep, they found him... :D Attachment(s): 291701.jpg, 10.83kb
  18. Psycho

    Run 'em over

    What the... ? How did you get that far? I got 38 kills (let none pass) and then time ran out... ...oh wait, I'm at work, this video card sucks and doesn't cooperate with Flash, so if the time runs according to real-life time that would explain it, 'cause the car and pedestrians go about...
  19. Psycho

    How would you answer the phone... ?

    :rofl2: great minds think alike :D
  20. Psycho

    Holy CRAP!

    :eek: *dies*