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  1. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Or maybe Teresa Heinz Kerry??
  2. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    So if she looked like any one of these gals: She wouldn't get half of the harassment she is getting now? As long as she is as smart as, say......Hillary??
  3. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    From the Rush Limbaugh show yesterday.....a caller nails the reason why some women (and some men) don't like Palin:
  4. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Hmmmmm.......perhaps the theory that minxie is a moosie is accurate??
  5. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Stick a fork in him........ Read more:
  6. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    I understand Breitbart has the update on a second woman! "La la la la"
  7. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Howard Dean warns Democrats Sarah Palin could beat Obama in 2012
  8. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    She's EVERYWHERE!! HA!! :elaugh2:
  9. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Weiner’s office finally calls police — on reporter trying to interview him about Weinergate
  10. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Golf is a game. Cycling is exercise. What is your point?
  11. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    The bigger question remains: How much does it cost when 0bongo plays golf on our dime??
  12. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    How is Sarah Palin Paying for Road Trip?
  13. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    Sarah Palin Confirms Tour Will Go National
  14. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Readies Bus Tour Amid 2012 Speculation

    MSNBC Anchor: Palin‘s Use of American Flag Could be ’Breach of Federal Law’ Another example of the left's "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. Hmmmm. What's this?? It could be a 'breach of federal law' you say? Is the US Flag code a federal law? Seriously.......the left...
  15. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Weiner hopes wienergate will just shrivel up and blow away:
  16. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Hacking a Congressional official is a serious crime. The penalty will be stiff!
  17. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Yes, I am surprised too that Weiner sent the pic to a chick instead of a dick........
  18. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    "Congwess shall conduct an inwestigation into the iwwegal penetwation of my cowweague's onwine pwivacy!"