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  1. catocom

    Judge In Zimmerman Case Pressured by Obama Administration?

    Actually, I personally believe more like Jefferson, and go more by the New Testament/covenant. Jesus said The first and great commandment was to love God w/ALL possible. Second love your neighbor. (now within that there's dispute even in my own household on who your neighbor is) Jesus said all...
  2. catocom

    Judge In Zimmerman Case Pressured by Obama Administration?

    Yeah, but that a little 'l' the Legion demon name is damned. Satan has a legion, but they don't call it that. At least that's my understanding. The King James ver. Holy Bible I use doesn't get into demonology much. At the time it was written, one didn't want to talk about it much for fear of...
  3. catocom

    Judge In Zimmerman Case Pressured by Obama Administration?

    Legion got lucky. (because of the compassion of Jesus) Legion died in a heard of drowned swine. Legion is Dead dead. (in the pit) I think there's plenty of others to go around though.
  4. catocom

    Judge In Zimmerman Case Pressured by Obama Administration?

    Hey, there's all kinds out there. Yesterday the TLC channel .....TLC now, showed a marathon of "Honey Boo Boo" Oh yes, there's all kinds out there.
  5. catocom

    Judge In Zimmerman Case Pressured by Obama Administration?

    'not guilty' but, not the end not by a long shot. This (appearances in court and other maybe) Will be Zimmerman's Job for years to come. He'll probably get a book deal too, but it better be enough for him to be able to hide on.
  6. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    I don't know what you learned, and what you didn't. I know from my own experiences, that there's not much substitute for real world hands on. I like the way John Ratzenberger is working on it.
  7. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    There's all kinds of 'engineers'. A 'structural engineer is but one kind. I consider myself an engineer of certain type, because that's what a man who did have the papers(and experience) called me. Never the less, I am also a technician. And do have that paperwork. As far as pay scale...
  8. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    Lot's in part refers to....Computer programming, machine programming, engineering, cad/cam knowing material makeups like metals and plastics, and how they used in certain applications. Gears, and leverage.... and no we didn't do screw machine, because there was a shop just down the street set up...
  9. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    yeah, extrusion (spell checker went wild) and about my bro ex, I have no Idea what you are referring to there. Absolutely nothing there. Yuck. The rest, probably guilty used in context. see the thing is though...when you say 'machine shop' you're talking about a whole other world. Lots...
  10. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    you remember man...surely I told you I made some of the space shuttle parts. A few other things... I helped design several new style high pressure washer nozzles, dental articulators, weedeater heads, aluminum excruciation blocks, various die molds, and I could go on, but I won't.
  11. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    It does help when experimenting though. I've helped send men into space, and built numerous prototypes that are still on the retail market in some form or another. Engineering is a passion.
  12. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    off your ballsack? You have bigger problems than arguing this with me. I see you say there's references, but I see no examples there. and that drawing is just all they've found so far. They are still exploring it, and that's what I'm referring to. If you don't know they haven't found it all...
  13. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    given the Bible it's self? What 'bible' do you refer to? and what other written records do you refer to? No, I'm not into so-called hocus pocus, but I do believe REAL science. It's the 'theories' that some spew as if it were 'proven' fact that I have a problem with. and... there are several...
  14. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    I don't put much stock at all in the 'dating' process. I don't think the earth has been here 'millions' of years or more. As many 'scientists' as you can come up with to support the dating processes, I can come up with one with an opposing view.
  15. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    Like I said...just a thoery. According to the Bible, they stored up 7 years worth of grain, and also sold to other counties/villages) so where they stored it had to be something massive, and would most likely still be around today. The pyramids imho are the only things that might fit that...
  16. catocom

    These are the people our president want to arm

    I still have 'hope' for the Egyptian peoples. Mainly because I want um to eventually let archeologists explore the pyramids more. :D I still have a theory that the pyramids go back to 'Jacob', and I think the rtelations between the Egyptians, and Israelis could be more solidified.
  17. catocom

    Anti-abortionists sing "Amazing Grace" while pro-abortionists chant "Hail Satan."

    IMHO it's not as bad as some of the stuff that's shown every day on TV.
  18. catocom

    DOMA shot down

    Noah Webster has probably been rolling in his grave well over a century now, at least. Looking back on it, it's really no big wonder why I never did well in "English" class. (I failed mostly the classes that gave homework, 'cause I never did it) I wonder if they still 'diagram' sentences. I know...
  19. catocom

    Egypt falling?

    -------------------UPDATE------------------- phase 2 now
  20. catocom

    The rebellion continues

    IMO they need to have the 'national park' areas in a different color. I don't see them marked any differently, and there's large areas there. Mountains, Yellowstone, Grand canyon, swamp, and others...