Search results

  1. E

    Down here at the pawn shop...

    Pawn shop rules :headbang: But you really got an AIWA stereo for $5.95 :eek: I got an Hitachi portable radio for 5$ once, it's a shame Hitachi doesn't make audio stuff anymore, their portable boomboxes were the best IMO. I like to pick some old stuff there...
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    Does anyone like swords?

    A friend of mine made a basic leather one, it was expensive to buy the material, but nowhere as expensive as buying a premade one in a medieval shop. He have access to his grandfather's forge and he's thinking about doing an half-plate armor now. He began a chain mail armor, but the rings...
  3. E

    How do you like your pizza?

    Cheese,pepperoni, green/red/yellow/orange/whatever peppers, mushrooms and red hot tomato sauce with thin crust if possible, with bacon as an extra. I just can't stand seafood or veggie pizza though...
  4. E

    Martial arts

    Nope, you're not too old at all; maybe just a few muscular flexibility sessions and you should gain alot more dexterity/agility. I don't do martial arts but I took the flex course and it helped very much, up to everyday tasks. I knew 25+ years people that began to do martial arts, some of them...
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    Electronic Music

    Same here, I tried in vain to find very hard hitting, syncopated sounds for a few years, and while I found some nice songs, I never found the level of hardness/style I wanted. Hard trance was completely away from what I wanted, and some gabber stuff is pretty "hard", but it wasn't it... I...
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    Electronic Music

    Pretty good :headbang: Definately a keeper I just found it a tad long, but then many electronic songs goes up to 10-11min (like Underworld's "Cups"). It's pretty danceable so it should pass way faster on a dancefloor than on a living room... It's always nice to hear some good...
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    Electronic Music

    d/l'ing Nilaya now, great to see all their stuff is at :headbang:
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    Electronic Music

    Thanks, it is cool if every one of two songs is killer, I've often felt on some bad songs while searching that were not representative at all...
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    Commercial Logos

    Got 11 of them
  10. E

    Electronic Music

    greenfreak, you might want to try Juno Reactor too (which I plugged in my earlier post :D). It's a kind of fusion between world music (mostly african congos and some middle-eastern influence) and goa-ish techno with very good melodies IMO. Here are a few songs you might want to d/l to give you...
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    Does anyone like swords?

    I'd love to get one, but I don't have the money to blow on one :( ...yet ;) A friend of mine got an italian short sword for 30 bucks at some flea market (there were some nice daggers there too). Once polished it looked darn cool, but good craftsmanship mostly always comes to a price...
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    Electronic Music

    Kewl, nice to see some people listening to electronic music here :headbang: Here's some of my faves: Juno Reactor: all of their stuff. One of my big favorites :headbang: Underworld: Push Upstairs, Moaner, King of Snake (never got a hold of Born Slippy though :() Prodigy...
  13. E

    Canadian cigarette labels are the best.

    Yeah, sadly we have those other labels too, like "Bla Bla Bla" and "Smoke can cook meat". They couldn't counter back with something intelligent half the time :rolleyes:
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    Who Hasn't seen Lord of the rings yet?

    I agree, ports to movies (from books/games or whatever) often feel botched, so it's good to see it that great, to what Tolkien writings are worth IMO. It's the best film I've saw visually, but I thought the audio really standed out; I've seldom heard so much surround kick-assness since the...
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    Who Hasn't seen Lord of the rings yet?

    [bad post...]
  16. E

    Cyborg name generator!

    Hmm...nocturnal observation and exper-exploration :D
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    Who Hasn't seen Lord of the rings yet?

    I've seen the movie many times, both on theather and DivX, but not enough often for my tastes :D I'm reading the books now (between the obligatory literature course shit I need to read :grumpy:) Tolkien rules! :headbang:
  18. E

    Did you cry when you saw the pictures on television?

    I was going to my literature course at school, when my friend came and stressfully told me planes crashed in both WTC towers. I first thought it was a silly joke, until the teacher and other people began to talk about it. After the course, I went to the main hall where they set TVs to show the...
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    It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your children are?

    Damn, I knew my family name went low enough in history, but not to that scale :(
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    If you were a Dungeons & Dragons character...

    I would love to, although I need to get up to date with the 3rd edition rules and system (no TAC0, new character ability system), since I've played only the 2nd ed. :o