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  1. E

    A form of punishment

    Seems like Duct tape is becoming an integral part of any welcome week, my flatmate has bought some too to make his costume/hold it in place...and damn it holds :D
  2. E

    Roll call

    EquinoXe's here
  3. E

    fi, tell me it isn't true

    Yep, Elian Gonzalez I knew I saw that pic somewhere, with the kid in the wardrobe
  4. E

    fi, tell me it isn't true

    Well, it comes from, a great game reviewing site, and all their stuff is serious but have a touch of weird humour in it. The Photoshop works are some of their trademarks :headbang: Although, for the fate of Greece, I would hope for it to be a fake :(
  5. E

    Got a question for non Americans and non Canadians...

    Well, even if you asked to Prof I just want to put my point of view anyway: -I don't want independance at all. I just can't see Quebec living as a country (especially for the military defense), we have strengths and weaknesses (well, maybe more weaknesses from Ontario's viewpoint), but even...
  6. E

    fi, tell me it isn't true

    Videogaming banned in Greece :eek:
  7. E

    If you were a Dungeons & Dragons character...

    Kewl thread :headbang: Neutral Good here, although all characters I played until now were LG :( I think there was a quiz about that once somewhere.
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    The world's smallest website..

    Cool :) Here's another similar one, but not as fun :D
  9. E

    Has anyone ever read these comic books?

    Asterix rocks :headbang: The TV cartoons are old, but pretty cool (in the style of the comics). Never saw the movies, but from the previews I once saw they doesn't seem to capture the mood as well as in the comics IMO
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    Rally the troops! We have a family of headbangers to save!

    PII 350 and 56k modem here, and it still rocks :headbang: (means you could add more :D)
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    music search

  12. E

    For the extremely bored people....

    Naah, go away, you know you want it :D Seriously, those are kewl games and aren't too big (the slime volley loaded pretty quickly on my 56k) :cool:
  13. E

    what´s your favourite bad film?

    Sorry, I should've said it's an insult to D&D, and all people loving fantasy :D If you want something to laugh on, it might be worth a rent thought, if you're kind of masochist (sp?)
  14. E

    psycho smilies

    I think it's not the patch too. I'm using the patched Messenger right now without problems, and my flatmate (who doesn't have the patch at all) has his MSN crashing two times in a row yesterday...
  15. E

    Does anyone like ...

    I hate country too, except Shania Twain, except it would be more pseudo-country, but the visuals are more in line with the sound ;). I sincerely hope any of you never heard Quebec country music, that stuff alone can make people hate music *puke*. English stuff is more bearable, but I'm not...
  16. E

    what´s your favourite bad film?

    Dungeons & Dragons here: an insult to any D&D player, and the most pathetic ripoff of Star Wars I've ever seen; hasn't caught up for me at all, especially when the venerable LotR movie was a few months before release...
  17. E


    Luis: the same happened to me, it was just not fully downloaded. it should forward itself and start to play once it's all downloaded. fury: do you know where I could get the full (higher quality) tune? I can't get that stuff outta my head :D :headbang:
  18. E

    This is me right now.

    Thanks Psycho, kickass proggy :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: and that background picture always reminds me of OTC now :D[/siz]
  19. E

    I'M OFF!!!!!!

    Alanis Morrisette Chemical Brothers Basement Jaxx Stereo MC's That's the only ones I've heard many songs, great variety in that festival though. Have phun :headbang:
  20. E

    This is me right now.

    OMG, don't even hint about those butt-ugly MSN smilies here :D