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  1. HeXp£Øi±

    so who gives to the...

    Believe it or not some people give because it actually makes others feel better. Whether or not you know it there is great reward in meeting the needs of others.
  2. HeXp£Øi±

    Shut down CNN

    What? People are actually doubting that this heppened? Yeesh. I think i've actually seen this happen before. This time i just find the circumstances comically coincidental.
  3. HeXp£Øi±

    Shut down CNN

    What's he fraudulating? :D All he does is spread the word and he's damn good at it.
  4. HeXp£Øi±

    Shut down CNN

    I trust Matt Drudge. This doesn't surprise me. I respect cnn about as much as i respect Dick Cheney.
  5. HeXp£Øi±

    Building a new's been awhile.

    Hey Kruz in case you hadn't heard socket 939 is going to be phased out by the new socket 940. Still a little ways off though. Flav; the option between 754 and 939 is rather simple. You'll pay a little more(10%) for the 939 system but your upgrade path will be better in the future. The cpu on...
  6. HeXp£Øi±

    "You learn something new every day"

    I learned from my six your old today that the heart of a brontosaurus was the size of a grizzly bear. :eek8:
  7. HeXp£Øi±


    I'm a Rams fan myself. Hello...*knock * this thing on?
  8. HeXp£Øi±

    Space Cadets hoax out of this world

    This is London
  9. HeXp£Øi±

    Gods And Generals

    I don't think the film you're referring to is a part of the Gods & Generals series. As far as i know Part deux hasn't hit the bigscreen yet.
  10. HeXp£Øi±

    Gods And Generals

    Oh wow a Gods & Generals thread. I love this flick. Stephen Lang was absolutely amazing as Stonewall Jackson. It's one of the few performances that put me to tears(that and Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler). Although i don't know the history of the man and just how accurate the movie really is i...
  11. HeXp£Øi±

    The official Gonz 20,000 post watch thread

    That's a hell of a lot of spankings.
  12. HeXp£Øi±

    WMD...lies, lies,lies :D
  13. HeXp£Øi±

    dropping ZA, free firewall suggestions?

    I highly recommend Sygate firewall. Like Cat said it takes a little while to get used to and set up but it's a very decent firewall and dificult to crash. Prior to sygate i was using conceal pc firewall which ended up being bought out by mcafee and turned into bloatware. Mcafee firewall still...
  14. HeXp£Øi±

    This one must have been something else to see You get a better idea of how cool it must have been if you watch it in fullscreen. It lit up the clouds and even in this grainy video you can see different colors.
  15. HeXp£Øi±

    The Vatican Evolves

    It's simple. Accepting Intelligent design would be an perceived ideological victory for creationists in the eyes of the average evolutionist. It's no more complex than this.
  16. HeXp£Øi±

    The Vatican Evolves

    Well obviously if there is a God he is a God of logic however the scientific community nowadays are insulted and even offended by God. They often literally turn and run at the mear mention of the subject. However this is to be expected as humans throughout history have proven again and again to...
  17. HeXp£Øi±

    The Vatican Evolves

    The thing is we both see ourselves in the minority. You lump all religious followers together because you feel they are on the apposing side where as i tend to lump the large majority of religious peoples into the same catagory as athiests/agnostics. (i realize that these are very generalized...
  18. HeXp£Øi±

    The Vatican Evolves

    You poor baby. Just kidding lol. Funny my experience was largely the same only the polar opposite. My dad has been a staunch athiest/agnostic and studies physics and astoronomy and has the same contempt for religion that you do CH so you can imagine his shock when his firstborn son who...
  19. HeXp£Øi±

    Humor: Caption This, Before and After

    The fact that you conceived of this and still drew the conclusion that it would be a good idea to put forth and let the world see it scares me somewhat inky. :lloyd:
  20. HeXp£Øi±

    This WAS a Ferrari.

    My guess is the impact was so great that the hood probably flew off its bolts and quickly lost speed in the air. Take note that in that same photo with the hood is a small piece of tarp covering something...probably a bodypart.