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  1. Hoon


    The face is Hoon and it isn't "pretty". Girls are "pretty". Men's faces make them look like random victims compared to the lovely face of a lady.
  2. Hoon


    The face is Hoon and it isn't "pretty". Girls are "pretty". Men's faces make them look like random victims compared to the lovely face of a lady.
  3. Hoon

    I have a question..

    Those damned American Idol kids... Hey, I hear Ruben was just hired as Clay Aiken's bodyguard.
  4. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    Tax reasons.
  5. Hoon

    I have a question..

    I fear not the punk poser number bands. Now if you had warned me of an impending Rancid attack.. I would've run away screaming like a child from Michael Jacksons bedroom.
  6. Hoon

    I have a question..

    Christ I think I was on leave during that period. I was ready to thwart off the grunge attack but Kurt about killed that movement when he executed his plan to install a big hole in the back of his head. Talk about your failed "Do it yourself" projects.
  7. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    How about Provo, Utah? That way we cannot be charged for having several board wives.
  8. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    How about Peoria, Illinois? They'll never run the whities out of that town.
  9. Hoon

    Teh Huun versis MrBichop antee-Spehlin bea

    "wahtang" reminds me of the Wu-Tang Clan! I say WU! You say TANG WU.. Tang WU! TANG
  10. Hoon

    I have a question..

    I've been in the KISS Army for 23 years now and we haven't attacked anyone yet. Do I still get a veterens retirement plan?
  11. Hoon

    Teh Huun versis MrBichop antee-Spehlin bea

    My mispellings were the precursor to Snoop Dog's "Izzle" language.
  12. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    My last post was a prime example of why I am THE KING OF MISPELLED WORDS!
  13. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    I think we should all make a pct right now to movw into the same old age home when we get there. We can refer to each other as our screen names and use terms like "LoL". Wow...that was the most geekish statement I've ever made.
  14. Hoon

    Kitty avs

    :la: I like Inka's. I'm all about giggling at something like a school girl.
  15. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    Would'nt that be banned under current collegiate hazing rules?
  16. Hoon

    Teh Huun versis MrBichop antee-Spehlin bea

    lmfao...classic! ..and what about the vaguely known "Cokeassius" The Colombian god of "Doing coke line off someones ass"
  17. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    Hobie Wank A Newbie?
  18. Hoon

    Teh Huun versis MrBichop antee-Spehlin bea

    She's hard to beat.. you're right. But don't count out "Altoid", the god of fresh breath, just yet.
  19. Hoon

    Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

    Hobes = Hobart? If so ...yes. btw: For future reference..let's all get on the same page and call him what I call him. "Hobie Wan Kanobie"
  20. Hoon

    Teh Huun versis MrBichop antee-Spehlin bea

    No...that was Exupiter. The gov't godess of red tape was Asspokerus. rimshot this thing on? taps microphone