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  1. B

    Happy Birthday Uki!!

    :dance: for she is the Queen of the dance ... very happy birthday UKI! xx best, BB
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    Lets play word association

    it's the echo ... i have this theory the whole word association gig is minitaurised and is held within Valaru's Av's skull... blue peter
  3. B

    Spring is sprung!

    'laying'? we use 'settling' if i take the meaning aright! :kiss: I like snow- just not all that often! Sunny here today, spring is frolliking and the days just seem to get longer and longer and longer ....
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    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    looked in ya crystal ball? :D Who knows - yet? ...but there was a lot more behind this than was made public by all accounts seemingly. Blair just called out Iran (or factions within) as supporting terrorism. he also advocated both opening lines of dialouge and maintaining coercion ...
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    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    er? sorry guys- its 2am and i REALLY need a coffee - not to say i don't completely support whatever i wrote before - barring the mis-reading of 'iraq' and 'iran' but i have frankly lost where you two are at *embaressed* i have the ' International emergency planning' guys in...
  6. B

    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    oops - the pressures of life and the - er??... 'pleasures' of Booze- LET THIS BE A LESSON TO YOU O' YOUNG ALTRON! :D ... -hopefully you have already seen my earlier '***edt***' on that - plain truth - i was on the phone and also typing and - simply misread it! *sorry* :shrug: BB
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    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    forgive me Spike - i am short on patience - (generally) what are you actually saying? Do me the basic respect between 2 people - OK???? - for Fucks sake - and put whatever idea or point you are maiking into 2 or 3 sentences as YOU want to word it. No offence - but if you can't...
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    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    anyway - here's my take for what it is worth - firstly - well stage-managed ( By Iran) no two ways. ... of course that is a double-edged sword in itself! But we'll see ... ......................................... The most significant thing i noticed went right to the...
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    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    ***EDIT*** - OOPS - i misread that as @iranian waters' - oops again - sorry - original post below unaltered- ............................... really? If you want to defend this assertion - i'll be happy to play ball- but remember no matter how hot this might get - it is...
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    i love you guys - making me feel young - ;) and you too Sam- i eventually checked HSX today and i am the new king! :D but seriously - you are making me feel young! :D God bless you all! xxxx (been a hell of a week - and next week will be worse (better) ... HELL - tommorow is...
  11. B

    Sits back, lights a cigar.

    it seems i must 'whore before' .... but that really made me laugh! :grinyes: (thanx birthday boy!) (btw kids - whoring is not a good idea ... ) hah! - thanks for the laugh! Best tho' - BB
  12. B

    Sits back, lights a cigar.

    Captain Carrot begs to differ ..oh most nublile New Zealander you :kiss: you are thinking of strangely-shaped brussels surely??? ;) Best, BB xx (no karma points intended :D - settle on 2.25???) :D -heh, it's really good to see you on form BoP! xxx (genuinely) xx
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    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    A fair comment, sure enough. But that's the current situation - like it or lump it - you guys have decisions to make on this, and given the internal flux here in the UK - i'd suggest you do not rest on your laurels - because i fear it would only take a minor home-interest spark to fire...
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    Happy Birthday da Bish! :toast: :banana: :cake: :beardbng: :hippy: :toast: :banana: :cocktail: :headbng2: *peace* :wave: :hbd: *party2* *party* *party* *party* *party* *party* *party* *party* have a great day and year ahead! very best, BB :toast:
  15. B

    15 Brits arrested by Iran

    aye Cerisse, it seems to be being made into a Political game of chess - but the rules seem hazy ... In a funny old way it'll be interesting to see how this is played here in the current vacuum - but i can tell you now (without any rancour or intent ) - this is not helping...
  16. B

    Sits back, lights a cigar.

    Moo! ;) :D wotcha Aunty! :kiss:
  17. B

    Sits back, lights a cigar.

    Sexual favours can go up as well as down .... current rate of exchange 2.5 sexual favours per karma point. yes, perhaps we could arrange this - you are taking a month off this year to travel aren't you? :D Good to see you BoP! :kiss: (Inky - 500,000 karma - and still only six...
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    Lets play word association

    tabs (The kind you smoke..)
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    Happy Birthday PT / PuterTutor

    have a great birthday! Hope life is good? Best, BB :bgpimp: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast:
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    I now hate the post office...

    he'd probably end up working FOR the post office if he did that routine!