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    Happy Birthday Inky!

    All the best Big fella! :toast: have a cracking good time - and a big hello to your new beau - welcome! Happy birthday Inkara! :toast: :bgpimp: :toast:
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    ah... if only life were so easy - just whip out the ol' credit card and call wipe-away! In a rush? Call swipe-away! Indescretions wiped while u wait. A 3% charge may apply to certain cards.
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    Lets play word association

    do the oky-koky ...
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    Fire Gonzales

    I thought you were trying to ban Gonz! :rofl3: Guess i need some sleep.... :retard3:
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    who's sharky? OTC's Sharky??? - heh, he gets my vote ( ..for what it's worth ... :D )
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    Eye Trick

    I couldn't be arsed with the link. ... do i win a prize?
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    Lets play word association

    be nice? ;) I'm just the man for the job ... :bgpimp: Nope - sorry - can't seem to manage that impossible remit! er - Remit!
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    British royalty discovers McDonald's unhealthy

    imagines Leslie's imagination ...and needs to go sit down for a breather! :D ;) xx
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    Lets play word association

    edited ** shinpads
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    British royalty discovers McDonald's unhealthy

    you reckon Big Ears has a limpet-like arse????
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    Global Warming

    "anyone"? :D that takes us back a bit .... :bgpimp:
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    Happy Birthday Altron!

    Hope you had a good one! Best, BB :toast:
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    British royalty discovers McDonald's unhealthy

    no offence intended. :) Wow! brown cheese! well you learn something new everyday... ( ... course you probably, on average, forget two or three things every day too, but ...)
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    Offensive terms

    i haven't got a single clue what any of you are talking about! ... my apologies if that isn't offensive enough??? ( just give me the nod - i'm sure i can steam in if necessary)
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    British royalty discovers McDonald's unhealthy

    who? Starya's 'English professor' ?? I bet he he has a limpet-like arse!
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    WWJW? - what would Jesus Wiki?

    think of the children ... Aunty Em! :rofl3:
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    Archaeological film claims to find Jesus' tomb

    THE jesus and mary chain?
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    British royalty discovers McDonald's unhealthy

    I'd bobbit ya english professor - fukka don't know shit about a good english breakfast! (if he still complains - bang that limp exhibit A into his mouth!) so, what's a (good) scandindian breakfast?
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    Yes my ugly new Avatar IS really me!

    ... and that ain't mist! :grinyes:
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    WWJW? - what would Jesus Wiki?

    good for breakfast ..or late at night ... the afternoon is good ... so's the evening! ;)