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  1. H

    case stickers..:(

    Does anyone remember when sander was going to put together an order for some cool case stickers for the members of HWC??? Alot of members put in some tima and really good ideas for that...:) I still want my frickin sticker :mad2:
  2. H

    So what are the rules to this place?

    Warez,porn,excessive cussing(well only if our fine super moderator approves differently**hint...sbcanada** Those are the only rules I know of,oh and you cant link to this site as a affiliation of HWC...
  3. H

    Who smokes!!??

    I smoke about 1.5 packs a day,If Im partying,I smoke about 3 packs...:D
  4. H

    A welcome our newest members..:)

    Hello all... :headbang:
  5. H

    I think I remember some of you f*ckers....

    cool,I am glad to here everything worked out good for ya:)
  6. H

    I think I remember some of you f*ckers....

    Welcome tarez:) Are you the same tarez I sold a dual mobo and athy xp too??? If so,I would have to say he is an excellant trader..and welcome fucker :D
  7. H

    Public service announcement.

    Yes It does..:) Although I prefer bald-beaver diving>..:D
  8. H

    MuFu HeadbangMark2002™

  9. H

    MuFu HeadbangMark2002™

    Since the bangs arent simultaneously can I count them together and divide by 30???????...:D
  10. H

    More jokes!

    Ok Ill take A time out:).. sorry justin..:D :headbang:
  11. H

    More jokes!

    Edited for not enough beer :headbang:
  12. H

    More jokes!

    bye bye ;) Justin Here kitty kitty...:D
  13. H

    More jokes!

    Damn OL'MAN..:D
  14. H

    More jokes!

    This one is a classic:D no.... - sbcanada ;) Ok justin,Im sorry I promise to kep it clean for now on:)
  15. H

    More jokes!

    lol :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: dude, vaginal disacharge? nothing against it, but , taste son its a matter of taste, edit it of your own accord :D Justin Hey...Where is kitty @?????...:D
  16. H

    More jokes!

    This is gross please edit..:D
  17. H

    More jokes!

    Bastard :D -Justin Im sorry,Didf yopu edit this one yet??? cant remember...:D
  18. H

    More jokes!

    Hye that image was my favorite you arse hole...editer freak:D
  19. H

    More jokes!

    opops sorry justin.. those were a bit extreme.. I apologize:(.... I guess to many cold ones:)
  20. H

    More jokes!

    :D :D :D