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  1. Thulsa Doom

    official beer thread

    Tonksy, I see you have been fully indoctrinated into the dark side. Welcome to the world of beer snobbery :D. Come... Let us break out the Westhalle crystal and partake of a good Steenberg and speak of malting and high gravity fermenting. :snobsmilie:
  2. Thulsa Doom

    It looks like we may have just gotten hit again

    I just have to say: typical SUV owner.... sorry. ok seriously why did he get out if he was trying to kill himself exactly? Seems like he has a history of this. Why was this guy never medicated after the other events?
  3. Thulsa Doom

    Babies having Babies.

    must take a lot of shoe pollish.
  4. Thulsa Doom

    Babies having Babies.

    Youve seen many white people that look like Queen Latifah?
  5. Thulsa Doom

    Babies having Babies.

    My what an exceptional single eye witness anecdote you relate. Almost seems too good to be true in the fullness of its stereotyping completeness. You must check out awful quick too by the way to be able to be in the line behind her then suddenly outside in time to see her come out and get in her...
  6. Thulsa Doom

    Babies having Babies.

    Boy is this 1983 all over again? Yes the cause of all the problems in this world are those billions of Cadillac welfare queens who the democrats let do whatever they want on the states dole. Boy, did someone find you guys in a time capsule or something labeled ANGRY BITTER WORKING CLASS...
  7. Thulsa Doom

    HAIL my children

    I think he has a lot more to answer about regarding the colon. And the silly design of the human knee. Can you say government engineer?
  8. Thulsa Doom

    Wow. Just Wow.

    geez.... negotiating jobs these days is hell... why dont you order me a pizza while I think about it.
  9. Thulsa Doom

    Wow. Just Wow.

    Well what would I have to do for 50?
  10. Thulsa Doom

    HAIL my children

    cause guys arent responsable enough of course. and anyway thats what you get for taking one of our ribs. Does the American Family Association really speak for you when they attack Sponge Bob Square Pants for being gay? And what kind of beer do they serve in heaven? Or is heaven dry?
  11. Thulsa Doom

    Wow. Just Wow.

    So how much would they pay me to look at porn and make long distance phone calls all day?
  12. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    But they didnt want to vote AGAINST it and risk having gay marriages occur in the state. So many voted FOR it despite the fact that they didnt agree with ALL of it. That right there should tell you you are dealing with multiple issues.
  13. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    So do you think all 78% of those people didnt want gays to be able to form civil unions? do you think 78% didnt want gays to even have simple domestic partnership rights that arent even a fraction of the rights YOU recieve when YOU marry? If the answer is no (and no simply requires one person...
  14. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    Remember, Louisiana already had laws on the books making gay marriage illegal BEFORE all this. Yet they made a constitutional amendment to keep those awful Massachusetts queers from flooding their state (for some apparent reason) and demanding their marriages be recognized. That was the ORIGINAL...
  15. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    And let me just throw in the actual argument we are talking about so we can all see it with our own eyes: The Louisiana initiative stated: From Article XII, Section 15. The original plaintiff argued he would have liked to vote against same-sex marriage but in favor of same-sex civil...
  16. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    Wait yer telling me Im wrong that Louisiana has a single subject requirement clause in regards to constitutional amendments? pardon me for a moment... *2 minutes later* Before you jump on this line please note that this is not relevant in this situation since the amendment was not a...
  17. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    how is a civil union a loophole exactly? its another animal entirely. As are domestic partnership laws. Its pretty simple here folks. Legally you CANT have an amendment to the constitution (federally or on many state levels) that trys to pick off several things all at once. It is called a...
  18. Thulsa Doom

    Falcons vs. Colts?

    Well dont forget McNabb had the same rap when he first entered the league. That he ran too much and was an ineffective passer and bad leader and just didnt have a "head" for the game. But his game matured and now hes one of the best passers in the league and still dangerous to blitz against...
  19. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    Id say the case is pretty cut and dry. It clearly states that you cant inact a constitutional amendment that has more then one purpose. They tried to bite off more then they could chew by not only banning gay marriage but ALSO banning civil unions AND EVEN legal recognition of domestic...
  20. Thulsa Doom

    Judiciary once again oversteps boundry

    Yeah then keep him from getting married... how DARE judges not allow mob rule!! The hubris!