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  1. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    Here we go again. I'm going to stop this before it even gets started. You're not putting enough effort into the discussion to justify continuing it.
  2. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    So your position is that if a person is greedy, he is, by definition, a capitalist.....? Why am I having to build your definition of capitalism from hints? Wouldn't it be easier if you just stated it?
  3. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    It's difficult to separate the ideology from the psychology. Psychologically, he needs those trappings for himself, to feed his lust for power. Ideologically, he justifies them by saying that they belong to the people; indeed, that he belongs to the people. That's the deal that the altruist...
  4. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    You're responding by simply repeating your earlier assertion at greater length. You haven't addressed the definition of capitalism that I offered, or proposed an alternative one of your own. You use the term as if it simply means 'businessman', but that's not the case. There have been...
  5. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    Call it fascist greed, then. :) I thought the article made it clear, though, that he believes in the ideology. Underneath the ideology, I'm sure there is a psychology of power lust, but the ideology provides the rationale and he's heavily invested in it. Besides, the palaces aren't there...
  6. Ardsgaine

    EU fires first warning shot over weapons

    They punished the people, while Saddam continued to get rich and spend money on his military. They became a propaganda weapon for him against the Coalition. The Oil for Food deal was offerred to relieve the suffering of the people, but he refused to accept it until control of the revenues was...
  7. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    You seem to be equating every economic transaction with capitalism. That's not the case. Capitalism is the economic system which results when government is limited to the protection of individual rights, including the right to property. Far from depending on slavery, it depends on the work of...
  8. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    What needs an argument is the phrase "capitalist greed" when applied to communists and fascists. There's a huge difference between becoming wealthy by building railroads, steel mills and coal mines vs becoming wealthy by slaughtering millions of people and enslaving millions more.
  9. Ardsgaine

    Europe to sign itself into new era

    Better yet, who's going to be der furher? Seriously, if they want to unite into a single country, then they need to do it right. They need to create a legislative body that is representative of the entire population along with an executive branch, a judicial branch of appeals courts with a...
  10. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    Do you have an argument to go with that? I'm not going to spend a half-hour typing a detailed response to a one-liner.
  11. Ardsgaine

    SimCity 3k

    :hmm: Jaaa-aaan!!!! :grumpy: She better gimme back my disk...
  12. Ardsgaine

    SimCity 3k

    That stuff is like heroin, man. I haven't played SimCity in years now, but I recall having Jan come into the computer room one morning as the sun was coming up to find me sitting in front of the game, twitching. I can't even remember which version I had, but it was pretty basic. Anyone else...
  13. Ardsgaine

    Guess the Movie

    Christ... I'm pretty sure I know which actor(s) you're talking about and the quote sounds familiar, but I still can't place the movie. That sucks.
  14. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    The greatest crimes against humanity have been perpetrated in the name of altruism. Look at all the ideologies of the past hundred years that slaughtered millions of people, and the common thread is that they all preached self-sacrifice as the moral ideal. They weren't just using it as a cover...
  15. Ardsgaine

    EU fires first warning shot over weapons

    The question is, if they decide to use sanctions against WMD countries, will they have the balls to enforce the sanctions? Sanctions don't enforce themselves.
  16. Ardsgaine

    Ba'athist Fascism...

    I was given a link to a really fascinating article on the ideological underpinnings of the Ba'ath Party. The similaritiess with the writings by Mussolini that I posted in another thread are amazing. It's a little long, but well worth reading. Here are a few excerpts...
  17. Ardsgaine

    Mussolini Explains Fascism...

    That's the stated goal. In order to bring it about, they have to get rid of the bourgeois, and any classes other than the proletariat.
  18. Ardsgaine

    Mussolini Explains Fascism...

    It's true that fascists glorify war. Mussolini says above, "war alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it." They believe in war as an end in itself, rather than as a means of self defense. Communists are...
  19. Ardsgaine

    Mussolini Explains Fascism...

    :D Well, alright... but I'm expecting a term paper on the subject from you by the end of the week. :P
  20. Ardsgaine

    Guess the Movie

    It sounds familiar, but I can't place it. :)