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  1. Ardsgaine

    Lowest of the low

    That's just fucking sad. :(
  2. Ardsgaine

    Movies for the night...

    Of those, we only have Lawrence of Arabia. We probably watch it once or twice a year. I was about to say that long epics like that are hard to watch, but then I remembered that Jan watches the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice about six times a year (at least), and it's six hours long. I guess...
  3. Ardsgaine

    What form of government does the Star Trek universe follow?

    Technological magic has solved all their problems. Manna falls from the heavens into their laps... The series is politically agnostic. The writers don't take sides, and I suppose that's one reason the series has appealed to a wide audience. People are able to read into it whatever they like...
  4. Ardsgaine

    Movies for the night...

    Schindler's List, A.I.... I haven't seen Saving Private Ryan even once yet, because I heard too many gruesome reports about the opening scenes. Great art and watchability don't always go hand-in-hand, unfortunately.
  5. Ardsgaine

    Movies for the night...

    I'm not crazy about the movie overall, but it has good moments. I like that song the kid sings, and the scene with the kamikaze pilot preparing to go off to die...
  6. Ardsgaine

    Movies for the night...

    I'm ready to log off whenever you are... ;)
  7. Ardsgaine

    Movies for the night...

    That's what I like about you...
  8. Ardsgaine

    Movies for the night...

    He's a freak. :)
  9. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: Well, I'm rolling on the floor laughing, if that's what you mean. :D
  10. Ardsgaine

    What are the Russians learning from Iraq?

    It occurs to me that it might be the other way around. The reason they have to carpet bomb is because they are not liberators, and everyone knows they're not. The fact that we don't have to carpet bomb gives you an indication that there is a disconnect between what people say about the US, and...
  11. Ardsgaine

    Is Suppression a Rule of Marxism?

    The greater the evil they have to hide, the more obscure they are. Marx is a paragon of clarity compared to Kant: I'll hate him until the day I die....
  12. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

    To them that may prove the economy of God's Word, but to me it just proves that texts, particularly religious and poetic texts which cultivate vagueness as a virture, can be interpreted in multiple ways. I don't have any statistics, so I won't push that one. It was a supposition. As for...
  13. Ardsgaine

    Is Suppression a Rule of Marxism?

    The question has been raised as to whether the use of force is part of the theory of communism, or whether its use by every communist country is simply a perversion of the theory. I pulled out my copy of The Marx-Engels Reader to examine the question more indepth. Marx certainly reserved the...
  14. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    It's a communist practice... :)
  15. Ardsgaine

    Bundy style

    It was good... *burp* :)
  16. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

    It's a stretch in the sense that both cities have been conquered multiple times, so why would anyone have reason to think that this is the time that was prophesized. No, and I'm not a bible scholar, so I probably won't ever come up with the answer. The reason that it was first suggested...
  17. Ardsgaine

    What are the Russians learning from Iraq?

    This is the part of the story that amazed me the most: The Russian army SUCKS!
  18. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

    Then you won't mind if I approach this from my own perspective? When I first saw the thread, I wasn't sure where you were going with it. It reminded me of the scene in Life of Brian with the prophets, so I posted that for a bit of humor. That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say that...
  19. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

    No, actually, I didn't realize how religious you are. I've been away for awhile, and before I left I had been trying to avoid the Real World, so I didn't remember your exact beliefs. I wasn't sure whether you were serious or whether you just thought there were some interesting coincidences, or...
  20. Ardsgaine

    Hans speaks

    It wouldn't matter if his name was John Smith, as long as he says what they want to hear.