Search results

  1. dan

    Lets play word association

  2. dan

    my new camera

    it can only do 20 in it's "high res" mode... i don't want to see what the low res mode is like the one flavio mentioned said it can get 100 in it's high-res mode, which is much more reasonable. still, 20 ain't too bad considering. it means you gotta be selective about what you take... i...
  3. dan

    Important notice: Server move

    okay... i'll reply for steve - i'm sure he'll correct me if i'm wrong :) the basic way DNS works is that it's a hireachical system. to find, say, the address of, you first find out who's got the details for ".com" domains, then ask them who's got the details for...
  4. dan

    your internet presense

    rock on! :headbang:
  5. dan

    So I let my teenage sis drive me to work ...

    heh, interesting the difference in accepted ages for stuff in different places... you have to be 17 to start learning to drive here, and 18 to drink... i can't imagine a world where you have to be 21 to drink out... and the thought of 15 year olds behind the wheels of cars scares the shit out...
  6. dan

    my new camera

    i took some more today. walking around town, there was so much i wanted to photograph! there's loads of nice stuff in this city and i like it here a lot. looked stuff up a while ago, and as far as population goes this place is...
  7. dan

    my new camera

    I'm not sure what it is... it says "Precision" on it, but no googling has left me any the wiser about it's origins... I /think/ it came from the gadget shop, so i went there looking today. seems like they've replaced the one i got with those SiPix ones for £40, which is what i think my one...
  8. dan

    my new camera

    Yes, those are the pics unadulterated and straight off the camera. Tried again tonight in the pub... lower light, results not so good... so, it looks like trying to use it in low light conditions isn't an overly good idea, but daytime it...
  9. dan

    Important notice: Server move

    this "it's all about how long your ISP caches the DNS" for business sounds... well... fishy at least, and like crap at worst... Each DNS record has a field called TTL which says how long ISPs are allowed to cache the response for, so the time taken is at most the time specified by the owner...
  10. dan


    even that's crap during the summer holidays... ten weeks where the entire university population is dumped into the job market... unless you can type 70wpm you don't even get on the list of potentials :( at least a couple of years ago there was dot-com fever, and it was easy to get...
  11. dan


    becasue the market's crap this year, while back then it was good??
  12. dan

    my new camera

    okay, here we go... here's some shots i took today with the thing:
  13. dan


    rocky horror is so cool!! i haven't seen the movie, but been to the show twice - london and new york. totally and utterly an experience not to be missed... i hear it's coming to manchester soon, i'll totally be there again!
  14. dan

    Some things you should just know.

    heh :bgtup:
  15. dan

    How do you pay for stuff?

    cash, or card... depends. i guess most stuff over a fiver i'll probably use plastic, unless it's at a club in which case cash exclusively... if i pay for it on card, it means i don't have to go to a cash machine for longer
  16. dan


    i've found it useful a couple of times when i've wanted to get some cash from internet-type people with thier credit cards... and now i've got one it does make paying for stuff on sites that use paypal (like this one) very easy... for merchant types it works pretty well, the charges aren't...
  17. dan

    Lets play word association

  18. dan

    Lets play word association

    john wayne
  19. dan

    Best signatures you've seen

    looks like there's a whole load of good ones in here:
  20. dan


    i'm here too! well, i'm won't be soon - zebedee is saying it's time for bed but i'm here now!