Search results

  1. dan

    Happy Birthday, Ku'u!!!

    happy birthday!
  2. dan

    Lets play word association

  3. dan

    My neck would be killing me

    ouch! it's probably because cats are evil... some pact with the devil means they don't break their necks. it'd explain the nine lives thing as well
  4. dan

    Lets play word association

  5. dan

    Lets play word association

  6. dan

    How old will you be in 40 years?

    is it true that life begins at 40?
  7. dan


    i still dance to it! :eek: it's at /least/ once a month you'll find a good bit of nightclub grease medly action going on!
  8. dan

    your internet presense

    vanity searching... everyone knows that google is the one true voice of search engines. that makes me the second most famous daniel gardner on the net. i'm battling with this medical research dude - he's got first, third and fifth, i've got...
  9. dan

    Lets play word association

    joni mitchell
  10. dan


    yeah, from what i rememebr battlefield earth was a good book - never did see the movie though... haven't seen swordfish either for that matter...
  11. dan

    Lets play word association

  12. dan

    internet connection problems anyone?

    seems fine for me...
  13. dan

    A disturbing scene

    at least it looked quick...
  14. dan

    A disturbing scene

    they don't look exactly happy about being there... they were probably friends of the poor chap :(
  15. dan

    Does this mean no rules?

    is it just me, or does that remind anyone else of a 5 1/4" floppy??
  16. dan

    Lets play word association

    sheffield (there being a nightclub called bed in sheffield)
  17. dan

    Lets play word association

  18. dan

    War...Iraq...N Korea...Bush

    umm... war sucks, iraq's great... north korea should have more bombs... and err.... bush looks like a monkey. oh, and we need more teen lesbians on tv, and cheap beds rock and umm... err... and you smell!! there - that should start an argument! :D
  19. dan

    The vagina!

    vagina monologues - supposed to be pretty good, that
  20. dan

    Lets play word association

    kiwi fruit (the link being that i'm drinking kiwi fruit juice from a guiness pint glass liberated from a pub at the moment)