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  1. CS


  2. CS

    what do you want to have done before you die?

    I got an email from Dan's dad today, some of you may also have it.
  3. CS

    what do you want to have done before you die?

    Hey guys, I had to dig this up. It would have been Dan's birthday today - he would have been 24... I thought this was kind of a cool thread, he was always full of ideas like this. So strange that he's been gone six months now, still hurts when I think about him. Anyway, this one's to Dan...
  4. CS

    Should I buy the thing I am thinking of buying?

    Lol yeah, if the cost doesn't starve you of food, buy it. :beardbng:
  5. CS

    Durex Performa

    ahhh.. :bgtup:
  6. CS

    Durex Performa

    Oh, OT, but what are these little green things under our names? :confuse2:
  7. CS

    Durex Performa

    Blah, that's why you've not been on MSN then ;) 'nuther vote for bareback. Rubbers are far too complicated...
  8. CS


    Ditch those glasses. Contacts are so much better. I couldn't stand glasses after a while, contacts were so comfortable in comparison. I wear contacts a lot - 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. I use the monthly disposables, and have been for about 6 years now. I've never had any problems with...
  9. CS

    Saw Terminator 3 today

    Dang, Wonder when it's released in the UK. I should really know since I'm such a whopping T1&T2 fan :retard7:
  10. CS

    holy shit

    :confused: I dont understqnd this thread
  11. CS

    I got a new phone

    My cell phone has speaker phone
  12. CS


  13. CS

    May be moving

    BLARGH! Luton Scum :D
  14. CS


    hehe, the lesson is you shouldn't ride a bike in Manchester unless you stole it off someone else in the first place.
  15. CS

    How do you hold a CD?

    hehe, moofinda. :rofl:
  16. CS

    How do you hold a CD?

  17. CS

    Another Bush & Blair music video : Music by Electric 6.

    fuckin' LOL! :rofl:
  18. CS


    f sadf