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  1. CS


    or this:
  2. CS


    urgh, this is gross, thank god I don't have this:
  3. CS


    I've got antibiotics and spray stuff. It actually looks worse in reality, you can see the tinges of blue and green better. Looks like stilton sort of.
  4. CS


    My tonsils. The white-ish crap is puss. It hurts as much as it looks like it should. mm.
  5. CS

    Am I a spending maniac???

    eep. yeah, I like spending too.. The government gives us too much money as students.... It's ok if you have a job tho..
  6. CS

    So, do you like people hitting on you?

  7. CS

    do you have a tv?

    bah, tv? I have a life...
  8. CS

    Cold and Flu Cures

    Sod medicines, sod pills. Drink BEER! :D Seriously, I find alcohol helps a lot, obviously don't binge or anything. It works for me with Colds - not sure about anything more serious like the Flu or anything. Works incredibly well for mouth ulcers too. Maybe it's psychological - believe me...
  9. CS

    bye bye ipmoof!

    I thought it was a Britney av...
  10. CS


    ok, it's not now, but it was..
  11. CS


    what's happened to my avatar?!! It's some drunken cat!!
  12. CS

    This looks a little naughty

    mweheh, LOL! :D
  13. CS

    Fun with duct tape, part 2

    but the adam's apple...
  14. CS

    New Years Eve

    wooh wooh!
  15. CS

    Fun with duct tape, part 2

    wait, so who's that on the left?
  16. CS

    bye bye ipmoof!

    too slow, mweh!
  17. CS

    bye bye ipmoof!

    I banish you, mweheheh!! :headbang:
  18. CS

    does this make sense to anybody?

    mwehehe :roll2:
  19. CS

    egg nog

    ok, I need to know how to make this stuff - do I whisk the egg? How much milk do I use?
  20. CS

    what do you want to have done before you die?

    you should have watched fight club :D