Search results

  1. CS

    what do you want to have done before you die?

    Build a house Paint a self portrait
  2. CS

    how to make punch?

    :headbang: I was told that, and I wanted to try.... But someone told me it makes you go deaf if you take too much.. :confuse3:
  3. CS

    how to make punch?

    oh, and nutmeg. I reckon the sex on the beach idea is a good 'un.
  4. CS

    egg nog

    /me already posted in new thread. I remember making punch at our house party. It was quite nice if I remember correctly... I think the best thing to do would be a whopping sex on the beach - Loads of orange juice, a bit less cranberry, and a bit less vodka.
  5. CS

    how to make punch?

    I still want to try egg-nog. 20eggs, 10 pints of milk, 1 litre of Bacardi. That should work.
  6. CS

    Town for sale on eBay...

    mwehehe, an entire Californian town for just over $500,000! :D What a present that would be... I think this link should work. hehe, you get your own post office and bridges - so cool!
  7. CS

    egg nog

    I'm so gonna try that. I'll have to wait till I get back to uni tho. My mum would go ballistic if she saw me eating raw eggs.:D
  8. CS

    Teens and rights of passage.

    pot 'ed. mweeeh!
  9. CS

    egg nog

    so is it egg and vodka?
  10. CS

    What is this?...

  11. CS

    What is this?...

    hehe, how about this :D:
  12. CS

    What is this?...

    lol, you sick sick bastich moof. Nice photoshopping tho :D
  13. CS

    What is this?...

    Here it is:
  14. CS

    What is this?...

    ok, I've saved it, it's real.
  15. CS

    What is this?...

    Yeah, me too. That is revolting. ick.
  16. CS

    dont poke the cat

  17. CS

    Fuc*ing hell...

    you sick sick bastard.
  18. CS


    [taps nose]... :rfap: :lfap:
  19. CS


    :D :headbang: :cocktail:
  20. CS

    Hell hath no fury like a woman with a sledgehammer scorned

    could be Sinapore dollars (if they use dollars). 300,000USD is way too much for any 3 series - especially a 318 - should be more like 30,000USD.