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  1. Thulsa Doom

    Jackson hosts kids' party {WTF!!!}

    ok someone told me it was normal penthouse/playboy porn but that the kids prints were on it too.
  2. Thulsa Doom

    Jackson hosts kids' party {WTF!!!}

    Was it adult porn?
  3. Thulsa Doom

    Google image search on your screen name

    oh yeah :D I forgot I call myself that here. I was looking for "Insidious Rex".
  4. Thulsa Doom

    Google image search on your screen name

    The instructions were to look for IMAGES though. Didnt work for me either.
  5. Thulsa Doom


    I dont know. I think shes kind of attractive in a brass knuckles kind of way. Assuming she goes for guys, you think either of us would survive a night with her?
  6. Thulsa Doom


  7. Thulsa Doom

    All about abortion in a world without God.

    Are you saying she deserves complications that may keep her from having kids in the future?
  8. Thulsa Doom


    Of course they can be combat troops. Aint you never seen Aliens? Its the future of our intergalactic marines.
  9. Thulsa Doom

    Minding more than one's own business

    well yeah. I mean look at all the red states. :D When did Alaska become the south anyway? Or should I ask when did the south become republican? Dont answer that. Its rhetorical. well yeah but this has all been thought of years ago. thats why they came up with the "one drop" rule remember...
  10. Thulsa Doom

    Study links genes, male homosexuality

    sorry. :crap: Yer allowed to get married now. hey wait...
  11. Thulsa Doom

    Minding more than one's own business

    The south will rise again?
  12. Thulsa Doom

    Minding more than one's own business

    Oh I knew that there were blacks in the confederate army. Thats fairly common knowledge. There were, after all, slaves who were very close with their masters and were willing to take up arms to defend them. normal human psychology there. I was just astounded at your insistence that they were...
  13. Thulsa Doom

    Minding more than one's own business

    this seems incredible to me. I have no doubt northern whites didnt exactly treat blacks in the union army like family members but I cant even conceive of the situation being any better in the south. what source did you get this information from? The problem is that even if the confederate...
  14. Thulsa Doom

    Age caught up

    and how do you come to your conclusion that we couldnt? if we could plug every conceivable aspect of the universe from birth to present into a super computer capable of such calculations then maybe the entire future history of the universe could be predicted down to the last atom. for now we...
  15. Thulsa Doom

    The basis for Liberalism is DEATH!

    the micro level is where you get your different definitions (tax loop holes for the rich. welfare for the needy). The macro level is where you see behavior patterns are fundamentally the same (live MY way because its the right way!). This is how the human animal has always been and will always be.
  16. Thulsa Doom

    Age caught up

    when you say "will" are you speaking of free will? And why is it that cant be part of the over all equation exactly?
  17. Thulsa Doom

    Age caught up

    whats that about atheists and fox holes again?
  18. Thulsa Doom

    The basis for Liberalism is DEATH!

    wrong. the agenda of BOTH sides is "Live the way I think is right." They just happen to be working from different definitions. Once you accept this truth then you can get into the normal small minded mud slinging as is daily demonstrated in this forum.
  19. Thulsa Doom

    Minding more than one's own business

    well certainly. Im always up for education. Know however that I may approach this with a dubious eye considering its conotations in the society I have lived in all my life. It was always one of the last ways of openly intimidating blacks. And it was meant to send a message to chill the liberal...
  20. Thulsa Doom

    Study links genes, male homosexuality

    a bit more evidence to add to the growing pile? source I guess this explains why the moms of most lesbians are skinnier then most?